One of the signs of the Church is catholicity, that sign by which the Body of Christ shows forth its capacity to incorporate all people of God in every land and nation in the world. To help structure that sign of catholicity in the Church in the United States, the U. S. Bishops’ Subcommittee on Pastoral Care of Migrants, Refugees and Travelers (PCMRT)) appoints PCMRT advisers for Ethnic Ministries and People on the Move Ministries to advise the Pastoral Care for Migrants, Refugees and Travelers (PCMRT) on best pastoral practices for particular ethnic communities and people on the move communities.
A PCMRT adviser for Ethnic Ministry/People on the Move Ministry is a person (priest, deacon, religious or lay) chosen by the Pastoral Care of Migrants, Refugees and Travelers of the Secretariat of Cultural Diversity in the Church, approved by the Committee on Cultural Diversity chairman and appointed by the Subcommittee chairman to promote and develop the apostolate of a particular ethnic or people on the move ministry. The adviser’s principal reference is to PCMRT. The person is not chosen as a “representative” but rather as a “resource person”. The scope of his or her activity may be the entire country (national) or, if the group is large and widespread, a particular region (regional).
The role of a PCMRT adviser is to aid in outreach to a particular ethnic or people on the move community and in communicating with that community/ministry and local churches. The adviser is a volunteer at the service of the USCCB’s Subcommittee on PCMRT.
There are about 36 PCMRT advisers at this time from the ethnic communities and people on the move communities including: a) Africans such as the Burundian, Cameroonian; b) Caribbean, like the Belizeans, c) Brazilian; d) Europeans that include Irish and Polish; e) People on the Move that form ministries to Circus, Carnival, Race Track, and Truck Stop Ministry.
PCMRT Advisers | Contact a PCMRT Adviser | PCMRT National Adviser Meeting 2014