Dialogue with United Methodists Releases Latest Document
On February 10, 2021, the eighth round of the Catholic-United Methodist dialogue released the product of their latest round. This round was co-chaired by Bishop David P. Talley of the Catholic Diocese of Memphis and Bishop Peggy Johnson, resident bishop of the Philadelphia Episcopal Area of The United Methodist Church.
With an emphasis on pastoral teaching, shared spiritual experience, and fostering local relationships, the materials crafted by the committee seek to encourage a wider sharing of the many fruits of ecumenical exchange which have blossomed over the more than 50 years of official dialogue between the churches.
The two-part document includes a reflection that emphasizes the shared recognition of one another’s baptisms, and pastoral commentaries on the Apostle’s Creed, the Lord’s Prayer, and the commandment to love God and neighbor and a practical guide for Methodists and Catholics to learn, pray and worship together.
In an introductory letter to the project the co-chairs of the dialogue Bishop Peggy Johnson (UMC) and Bishop David Talley (Catholic) note that this reflection is offered “in the time-honored format of baptismal catechesis” with the hope that it be used “for study groups, sacramental preparation, religious education programs, and ecumenical gatherings of Methodists and Catholics.” Regarding the practical guide, Bishop Talley and Bishop Johnson commend these resources to members of our churches noting that they “contain materials drawn organically from the lives and churches of Catholics and United Methodists” and “are intended to strengthen the bonds of Christian faith, hope, and charity between us.”
The collaborative project is the product of the sincere desire of the dialogue committee that the deep spiritual communion shared within the group over the decades be shared among United Methodists and Catholics everywhere. The episcopal co-chairs of the dialogue conclude their introductory letter with this commendation: “It is now time for the dialogue to take on new life within and between our respective communions. The unity of Christ’s church must take root in our hearts and bear fruit in shared learning, prayer, worship, and service within our faith communities.”
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and The Council of Bishops of The United Methodist Church are currently making plans for a ninth round of dialogue.
The document can be accessed here:
.More information on the Catholic-United Methodist Dialogue can be found here.