
Congressional Testimony on Human Rights in Argentina, October 5, 1976

Year Published
  • 2011
  • English

October 5, 1976

Pbro. Carlos Galan
Secretario General
Conferencia Episcopal de Argentina
Paraguay 1867
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Dear Father Galan:

Since the brutal slaying on July 4 of the five Pallotine priests and seminarians at the parish of San Patricio, my office has received nearly 400 separate commnications from concerned citizens in the United States. Virtually all of these letters ask what steps the Church in Argentina is taking to defend those whose fundamental rights are being violated, and to help restore peace with justice in Argentina today.

I know this is a most difficult time for you and all the bishops of the country. With this brief letter, I simply want you to know that we share the anguish you are suffering, and to assure you that we are more than ready to offer whatever assistance we can.

Enclosed is a copy of the Congressional testimony recently given by my Associate Secretary for International Affairs before a committee of the U.S. House of Representatives. I hope you will consider it a positive contribution to our common quest for justice and peace.

Please be assured of our constant prayers and our firm desire to assist in any way possible.

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Most Reverend James S. Rausch
General Secretary



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