Letter to Archbishop Helder Pessoa Camara on Joao Francisco de Sousa, April 6, 1973
April 6, 1973
Dom Helder Pessoa Camara
Rua do Giri quiti
Recife, Pernambuco
ear Dom Helder:
In my own name and that of the staff of the USCC Division for Latin America I write to express our solidarity with you on the occasion of this latest trial for you and the people of Recife, the arrest and imprisonment of Joao Francisco de Sousa.
Please know that our prayers and thoughts are with you and especially with Joao Francisco and his wife.
If we can do anything to help, and if there have been any recent developments in the case which we should know, please let me know.
Fraternally in Christ,
Rev. Frederick A. McGuire, C.M.
Division for Latin America
Department of International Affairs
United States Catholic Conference