Letter to Archbishop Romero on the Anniversary of the Death of Fr. Rutilio Grande, March 12, 1980
March 12, 1980
Dear Archbishop Romero:
On the anniversary of the death of the revered Father Rutilio Grande, S.J., I write to acknowledge receipt of a copy of your letter of February 17, 1980 to President Carter urging the United States not to provide military assistance to the Salvadorean government.
Our Conference, as you know from previous communications, has been following the developments in El Salvador closely. We are aware of the courageous, indeed prophetic, positions you have taken during this time of great suffering and struggle for the people of El Salvador. I am writing at this time to endorse your position opposing U. S. military assistance to the present government, and to tell you that we will be doing all we can through the U. S. Catholic Conference in Washington to see that your advice to the President is followed.
In December 1979, Mr. Thomas Quigley, the Latin America Adviser at the Conference, testified before the U. S. Congress opposing military aid to the junta. Later this month we expect to be able to testify again; we will surely rely upon your letter and join our voice with it in warning against the provision of military assistance by our government at this time.
We will continue to follow events in your nation with care. We are available in these difficult days to cooperate through our activity in the United States in the efforts of the Church in El Salvador to bring justice and peace to your nation. Our prayers and best wishes are with you.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Most Reverend John R. Quinn
Archbishop of San Francisco
President, NCCB/USCC