Letter to Assistant Secretary for Inter-American Affairs on Guatemalan Peace Accord, January 3, 1997
January 3, 1997
The Honorable Jeffrey Davidow
Assistant Secretary for Inter-American Affairs
Department of State
2201 C Street, NW
Washington, DC 20520
Dear Secretary Davidow,
Few if any developments in the Hemisphere over this past year were more ardently desired or more gratefully welcomed than the December 29th signing of the Guatemalan peace accords. We rejoice that the long decades of a fratricidal conflict have finally come to an end.
The role of our government, going back at least to the 1954 coup, has regrettably often been less than helpful in the affairs of Guatemala. Unresolved questions still remain concerning activities of agencies of United States in years past. But now, with an ever stronger will for the democratic process and civilian control of the military in that country, we hope that the commitment to peace will be accompanied by an equally strong commitment to an economy that seeks the well-being of all the Guatemalan people.
We are confident that the Administration will seek to play a significant role in furthering that goal, and we look forward to supporting strong U.S. efforts to assist in the process of peace and reconciliation in Guatemala.
With all good wishes, I remain
Sincerely yours,
(Rev.) Drew Christiansen, S.J.
Director, USCC Office of International Justice and Peace