
Letter to Brazilian Justice Ministry on Arrest of Prof. Luis Basilo Rossi, April 6, 1973

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  • English

April 6, 1973

Dr. Alfredo Buzaid
Ministro da Justica
Espl. dos Ministerios, bl. 10
Brasilia, D.F.

Dear Dr. Buzaid:

I am writing to express my concern about the situation of Prof. Luis Basilo Rossi.

According to reports circulating in this country, Prof. Rossi was unjustly arrested on February 15 und has been held incommunicado since that time. Even the efforts of Prof. Rossi's wife and of Mons. Koop, Bishop of Lins to learn of his whereabouts and condition have been fruitless.

I presume that this illegal action took place without your knowledge or acquiescence but I know that it has been called to your attention long before now. All who are concerned for the good name of Brazil and all who are committed to making our world a more just and humane one urge you to do all in your power to free Prof. Rossi and others who have been unjustly imprisoned.

Yours in peace and justice,

Rev. Frederick A. McGuire, C.M.
Division for Latin America
Department of International Affairs
United States Catholic Conference



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