
Letter to Cardinal Darmaatmadja on Bali Bombing, October 17, 2002

Year Published
  • 2013
  • English

October 17, 2002

His Eminence Julius Darmaatmadja Riyadi, S.J.
Archbishop of Jakarta
President, Konperensi Waligereja Indonesia
Tromolpos 3044, Jl. Cut Mutiah 10
Jakarta 10340

Your Eminence, 

Please accept the sincere condolences of the Bishops of the United States for the horrible act of terrorism that occurred in Bali on October 12. We were shocked, as was the whole world, by this despicable crime which Indonesian civil authorities have described as the worst act of terror in your nation's history. 

Having ourselves experienced, on September 11, 2001, the worst act of terror ever perpetrated on our land, we share deeply the sorrow and mourning of your people, as well as those of Australia, home to so many of the victims of this violence. Please know that you and the Indonesian people have a special place in our prayers. 

With our sentiments of sympathy and of solidarity with Your Eminence and all your brother bishops, I remain 

Fraternally yours in Christ,  

Most Reverend Wilton D. Gregory
Bishop of Belleville

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