
Letter to Cardinal Landizura Ricketts on Death of Sr. Joan Sawyer in Peru, December 22, 1983

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  • English

December 22, 1983

Cardinal Juan Landazuri Ricketts, OFM
Arzobispo de Lima, Primado del Peru
Plaza de Armas
Apartado 1512
Lima 1

Your Eminence:

I write on behalf of the Episcopal Conference of the United States to express both our sorrow over the tragic events of December 13 at the Lurigancho Prison and our gratitude for your firm statement on the matter.

Enclosed is a copy of the statement issued by Cardinal Joseph Bernardin of Chicago, the diocese in which Sister Joan Sawyer, ,SSC worked before going to Peru, together with a copy of my letter to the Secretary of State.

I ask you to convey our sense of profound shock and our deepest sympathy to all of Sister Joan's co-workers and friends in the Archdiocese of Lima.


Monsignor Daniel F. Hoye
General Secretary
United States Catholic Conference



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