
Letter to Congress on Resolution to Advance Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process and Affirm Two-State Solution, June 12, 2007

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June 12, 2007

Dear Senator,

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) urges you to co-sponsor the bipartisan Senate Resolution 224, initially co-sponsored by Senators Feinstein, Lugar, Dodd, Hagel, Baucus, Byrd, Sununu, Voinovich and Whitehouse, that seeks to advance the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.

Marking the 40th Anniversary of the Six Day War between Israel and a coalition of Arab states, this resolution acknowledges that the only way forward to a better future for both Israelis and Palestinians is “to put an end to decades of confrontation and conflict and live in peaceful coexistence, mutual dignity, and security, based on a just, lasting, and comprehensive peace.” A majority of Israelis and Palestinians yearn for such a two-state solution.

Resolution 224 appropriately affirms a two state solution with “the State of Israel and Palestine, living side by side in peace and security.” The Resolution renounces violence and terror, reaffirms an unwavering commitment to Israel’s security, and calls on the Hamas-led Palestinian Authority to recognize Israel, renounce terrorism and accept past agreements. It calls on both Israeli and Palestinian leaders to work for peace and to refrain from “any actions that would prejudice the outcome of final status negotiations.”

Most importantly, Resolution 224 urges the Administration “to pursue a robust diplomatic effort” and to make a two-state solution “a top priority.” For many years USCCB has worked with key national Jewish, Christian and Muslim religious leaders to support sustained U.S. leadership for peace. USCCB believes this Resolution is consistent with the President’s vision of a two-state solution to the conflict and adds additional impetus to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice’s recent initiative for peace.

For the future of Israelis and Palestinians, the stability of the region and the security of our nation and the world, please join your Senate colleagues in supporting the Israeli-Palestinian peace process through Senate Resolution 224.

Sincerely yours,

Most Reverend Thomas G. Wenski
Bishop of Orlando
Chairman, Committee on International Policy
United States Conference of Catholic Bishop


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