Letter to Episcopal Conference of Guatemala on Alta Verapaz Killings, October 13, 1995
October 13, 1995
Most Reverend Jorge Mario Avila del Aguila
Bishop of Jalapa
President, Episcopal Conference of Guatemala
Apartado Postal 1698
Ciudad de Guatemala
Dear Bishop Avila:
Several organizations, including the World Council of Churches/GRICAR and the Jesuit Refugee Service office in Mexico, have communicated to us their admiration for the October 8 statement of the Episcopal Conference on the killings "Aurora 8 de Octubre." We also find the statement to be a clear and courageous expression of the Church' s evangelical concern for society's most vulnerable people, which surely includes the returned refugees.
Enclosed is a letter this Conference has sent to the Ambassador of Guatemala to the United States. We intend it as an expression of solidarity with the Church in Guatemala and with your Conference, which has been so outspoken in defense of the refugees.
With all best wishes, I remain Sincerely in Christ,
Rev. Drew Christiansen, S .J .
Director, USCC Office of International Justice and Peace