
Letter to Secretary of State Christopher on Economic Aid to Nicaragua, March 29, 1993

Year Published
  • 2013
  • English

March 29, 1993

The Honorable Warren H. Christopher
Secretary of State
Department of State
Washington, D.C. 20520

Dear Mr. Secretary,

Some eight months ago I wrote to then-Secretary Baker, urging the speedy release of the funds appropriated for Nicaragua by the U.S. Congress. A copy of that letter is enclosed for your information.

Due to political concerns of some members of the Senate, a hold was placed on the $104 million in economic aid voted for FY92, with roughly half of the amount finally released in the final days of the previous administration.

President Chamorro is seeking to address the concerns that have been expressed: the matter of the on-going violence in the country, the question of property rights, the role of the military, and so on. These are complex and delicate matters, but they are matters which are being addressed by the Chamorro government.

It is well past the time for the United States to assist the people of Nicaragua in rebuilding their country, devastated by years of conflict and violence. I urge that the full funding be released without delay.


Most Reverend John R. Roach
Archbishop of St. Paul and Minneapolis
Chairman, USCC Committee on International Policy 

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