Letter to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Military Aid to El Salvador, July 9, 1982
July 9, 1982
The Honorable Charles H. Percy
Chairman, Foreign Relations Committee
United States Senate
Washington, D.C. 20510
Dear Senator Percy:
As we approach the second certification period for continued economic and military aid to the Government of El Salvador, I wish to repeat the concern of the United States Catholic Conference for decided action on the murders of six U.S. citizens in that country.
Although some progress in the investigations has been noted, significant questions remain. We are persuaded that the needed full investigation into the brutal murders of four Catholic missionary women in December 1980 and of two officials of the American Institute for Free Labor Development in January 1981 will proceed only if our Government makes it a requirement for continued aid.
Consequently, we support the inclusion of an investigation into these killings in the certification requirements for further U.S. aid to El Salvador. We believe the language of SJR 208, proposed by Senator Glenn, et al, will protect the need for an adequate investigation and we urge your support of this amendment to the certification process.
Sincerely yours,
Rev. Msgr. Daniel F. Hoye
General Secretary