Letter of Solidarity to Church in Honduras, March 22, 2016
March 22, 2016
S. E. Cardenal Óscar Rodríguez Maradiaga, S.D.B.
Arzobispo de Tegucigalpa
Présidente, Conferencia Episcopal de Honduras
Arzobispado, Apartado 106
Avenida Mons. Agustín Hombach 1933
Colonia Palcartagua
Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Your Eminence:
At this time of continuing tragedy in your beloved country of Honduras, I write to express the solidarity of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) with the Church and people of your nation. Your extensive efforts in the cause of justice and peace, joined to those of your brother bishops and the entire Church community in Honduras, reflect a long history of courageous leadership in the face of conflict. You have our deepest respect for your many efforts to overcome violence, address the root causes of social discord, and promote a just resolution of national challenges. The recent statement issued by the Honduran Bishops' Conference (CEH), concerning the tragic murder of Berta Cáceres, is but another example of this inspired leadership on behalf of the Church. We have shared your statement with the Secretary of State of the United States. A copy of this letter is enclosed
Please be assured of my sincere expressions of solidarity, support and friendship extended on behalf of the Committee on International Justice and Peace. We look forward to continuing communication with you and your brother bishops in Honduras, and to being of any assistance that you may find advisable during these challenging times for your country.
Praying that God will continue to bless your work as pastors and peace builders, I remain
Fraternally yours in Christ,
Most Reverend Oscar Cantú
Bishop of Las Cruces
Chair, Committee on International Justice and Peace
cc: Monseñor Luis Solé
Secretario Général, Conferencia Episcopal de Honduras
Comayaguela, M.D.C.
Los Laureles, Apartado 30014
Tegucigalpa, Honduras