Letter to Sr. Dianna Ortiz on Ordeal in Guatemala, May 8, 1996
May 8, 1996
Sister Dianna Ortiz, O.S.U.
708 Rock Creek Church Road, N .W .
Washington, D.C. 20010
Dear Sister Ortiz:
As your time of public vigil and fasting comes to an end, I want to take the occasion to express my admiration for your courage and steadfastness in pursuing the truth of the horrible ordeal to which you were subjected in Guatemala. Although you have not succeeded in obtaining all the information you sought and still seek, I believe your quest has been more successful than many, only a few weeks ago, would have believed possible. Our bishops' Conference continues to urge those in authority to respond fully and immediately to your legitimate requests.
I congratulate you as well for the dignity and deep spiritual commitment that has been an integral part of your vigil. Your personal faith, your commitment to the long suffering Guatemalans who, like you, have endured outrage at the hands of cruel and vicious men, and the strong support of many friends and companions, especially your fellow religious, have sustained you on this painful journey.
May they continue to sustain you as you move forward, and may God shower abundant blessings and peace on you. Assuring you of my prayers, I am
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Most Reverend Daniel P. Reilly
Bishop of Worcester
Chairman, USCC Committee on International Policy