Letter of Support to Bishop Quezada Toruno for Peace Process in Guatemala, May 16, 1991
May 16, 1991
Most Reverend Rodolfo Quezada Toruno
Bishop of Zacapa and Prelate of Esquipulas
President, Episcopal Conference of Guatemala
26 Calle 8-90, Zone 12
Guatemala City
Dear Bishop Quezada:
I write to express our congratulations and best wishes to you and all the members of the National Reconciliation Commission for your efforts in bringing about formal talks between the Government of Guatemala and the URNG opposition forces.
Although the dialogue is just in its early stages and there will be many difficulties to overcome in the time ahead, this does appear to be a true breakthrough in the long struggle to achieve a political settlement to the conflict in your country. Thanks to the efforts you and the Commission have made in facilitating talks between the URNG leadership and various other sectors of Guatemalan society over recent months, the present talks may now move forward on a firm and solid basis.
May your efforts be crowned with success and may the prayers of all who desire peace, especially those of your fellow citizens who have suffered war and repression for so many years, be finally answered.
Be assured that we will continue to keep you, and the Guatemalan peace process, very much in our prayers. If we can be of any assistance to you, I know you will not hesitate to let us know. with sentiments of deep respect and admirations, I remain
Fraternally yours in Christ,
Most Reverend John R. Roach
Archbishop of St. Paul and Minneapolis
Chairman, USCC Committee on International Policy