
Letter of Support for Bishop Rosa Chavez in El Salvador, July 26, 1996

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  • English

July 26, 1996

Most Reverend Gregorio Rosa Chavez, S.D.B.
Auxiliary Bishop of San Salvador
Apartado Postal 2253
San Salvador

Your Excellency:

I write to express the concern of the United States Catholic Conference at the recent and troubling threats directed against your person and other prominent individuals in EI Salvador. Your years of dedicated service to the Church and people of EI Salvador, and your outstanding leadership in advancing the process of peace in your country have won many friends and admirers here in the United States. They hold you today in their thoughts and prayers.

Whether the anonymous group calling itself the Roberto d' Aubuisson Nationalist Force is a real organization or not, or whether its threats are to be taken seriously, the very fact of someone writing these gross accusations against you is an affront which ought not to be tolerated. The responsibility of the civil authorities to investigate these scurrilous attacks is clear; I trust they will soon have discovered their source and put an end to the threats.

With all best wishes, and assurances of our prayers for your ministry, I remain

Fraternally yours in Christ,

Most Reverend Daniel P. Reilly
Bishop of Worcester
Chairman, USCC Committee on International Policy


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