
Letter on U.S. Bishops Concerning Boycott of Coffee from El Salvador, May 30, 1990

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  • English

May 30, 1990

Your Eminences, Your Excellencies,

On May 23, 1990 the bishops of the Salvadoran Episcopal Conference signed an open letter to the bishops of our Conference, requesting our assistance. The issue is the campaign, originating in this country, to boycott Salvadoran coffee.

The bishops of El Salvador consider this a misguided effort whose principal effect would be to harm the economy in general and bring particular hardship upon the many, generally poor, workers and their families who depend upon the sale of coffee for their livelihood.

They ask us to communicate their views to the Catholic people of this country, and, consequently, I invite you to do whatever seems appropriate in your own (arch)diocese.

The Salvadoran bishops also ask us to share this concern with the National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA which they understand to be supporting the campaign (which was actually originated by the California-based organization Neighbor to Neighbor), and we have done so.

Over the past decade, and especially over the past several months, our Conference has actively sought to support the Church in El Salvador and their efforts to bring about genuine dialogue, peace and justice in their tragic land. Thank you for your continuing efforts to stand in solidarity with our brother bishops and the people of El Salvador.


Most Reverend Roger Mahony
Archbishop of Los Angeles
Chairman, USCC Committee on International Policy


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