Letter to U.S. House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee Regarding Aid to Nicaragua, February 1, 1982
February 1, 1980
The Honorable Clement J. Zablocki
Foreign Affairs Committee
House of Representatives
Washington, D. C. 20515
Dear Chairman Zablocki:
I write to urge your support for the supplemental aid request for Nicaragua.
The suffering of the Nicaraguan people in their struggle with the Samoza regime left thousands dead and wounded. Despite this immense human tragedy and the accompanying devastation of the national economy, the Nicaraguan government and people are already involved in a major effort of reconstruction.
The church in Nicaragua has expressed its support for the reconstruction effort through its Bishops Conference. Archbishop Miguel Obando Bravo of Managua is coming to the United States this week at my invitation to make known in the United States the urgent needs of the Nicaraguan people.
To complement the efforts and sacrifices which Nicaraguans are making for their country they will need external assistance. It is at this early stage of the national reconstruction that external aid is most critically called for. The supplemental aid request by the President at this time, while modest in amount, will undoubtedly achieve results beneficial both to Nicaragua and to us many times over. I urge you, Mr. Chairman, to do all in your power to resist any further conditions being placed on this aid and to assure speedy passage of this important measure.
With cordial good wishes, I remain
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Most. Rev. John R. Quinn
Archbishop of San Francisco
President NCCB/USCC