
Letter to Vicariate of Solidarity Expressing Appreciation for Work for Human Rights in Chile, July 31, 1990

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  • English

July 31, 1990

Most Rev. Sergio Valech Aldunate
Auxiliary Bishop of Santiago
Vicar for Solidarity
Plaza de Armas 444
Casilla 26D

Dear Bishop Valech,

I could not let the ending of the publication Solidaridad go by without expressing to you the gratitude and admiration of so many of us in the Church in the United States for the great and lasting legacy of the Vicariate of Solidarity, including its superb bulletin.

From the very first days of the Vicariate in 1976, indeed from the beginnings in 1973 of the Committee of Cooperation for Peace, our Conference has maintained a close and rewarding relationship with the human rights programs of the Church of Santiago. We were pleased to have been able to help with some of the material needs of the Vicariate over the years, but it has been especially gratifying to recall the many occasions of working together with the Vicariate on issues of human rights.

We, and people everywhere who share your concern to protect and defend human rights, have learned from and been inspired by the pioneer worK of the Vicariate of Solidarity. It has left a lasting mark in the life of the Americas, and especially of the Church in the Americas. As you now close off one chapter in the work of the Vicariate, please know of our gratitude and our continuing solidarity.

Fraternally in Christ,

Most Rev. Roger Mahony
Archbishop of Los Angeles
Chairman, USCC Committee on International Policy


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