Diocesan Resources

List of Resources on Nuclear Weapons for Catholic Social Ministry Leaders, April 9, 2010

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New START Treaty Resources

April 9, 2010

Dear Catholic Social Ministry Leaders:

President Obama and President Medvedev signed a new Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) on April 8, 2010. The signing of the New START Treaty will generate public debate and offers an opportunity to study and act on Catholic social teaching on nuclear weapons.

The New START Treaty: reduces deployed strategic nuclear warheads to 1,550, 30 percent below the existing ceiling; limits the United States and Russia to no more than 700 delivery vehicles; and includes new verification requirements. The Treaty needs ratification by the U.S. Senate. USCCB supports strong, bipartisan action to ratify the New START Treaty.

In this packet you will find four resources to help you engage the Catholic community:

  1.  Letter from Cardinal George to President Obama: On April 8, 2010, Francis Cardinal George, President of USCCB, welcomed the signing of the New START Treaty between the United States and the Russian Federation. He urged members of the U.S. Senate to come together across party lines to ratify the new START Treaty.
  2.  Action Alert: Please distribute this alert and urge senators to ratify the new START treaty to verifiably reduce nuclear weapons.
  3. Catholic Study Guide for use with Nuclear Tipping Point DVD: This study guide based on Catholic social teaching is for use with a free DVD, Nuclear Tipping Point. It is designed to assist small groups of adults and mature young people in exploring some issues related to nuclear weapons in the light of their Catholic faith. The small group study can be completed in two one-hour sessions.
  4. Background on Nuclear Arms Treaties: This background material explores the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, the new START Treaty, the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty and the Church’s activities and teaching related to nuclear weapons.

Thank you for your leadership. In Christ’s Peace,

Dr. Stephen M. Colecchi, Director


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