Liturgy Resource

Novena in Memory of Pope Benedict XVI Prayer Card (English and Spanish)

Year Published
  • 2023
  • English

In early 2023, the entire Church mourned the death of the Emeritus Holy Father, Benedict XVI. In cathedrals, basilicas, parish churches, shrines, and chapels the Holy Eucharist was offered for the repose of his soul. Communities and individuals asked God to bestow his infinite mercy on the man who served the Church as Bishop of Rome.

This novena was prepared to help pray for the Pope Emeritus during the time of mourning. The daily novena – which lasted from his funeral on Thursday, January 5 through Friday, January 13 – consisted of a short reading from Scripture or some other ecclesiastical text and some brief prayers, including orations drawn from the Roman Missal and the Order of Christian Funerals.

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Novena in Memory of Pope Benedict XVI (English)

Novena en Memoria del Papa Benedicto XVI (Español)