People of Life Award 

This award recognizes Catholics who exemplify the call by Pope John Paul II in The Gospel of Life (Evangelium Vitae, 1995) to dedicate themselves to pro-life activities and promoting respect for the dignity of the human person. Visit our People of Life campaign for more information.

Past years recipients:  20182016| 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007


Press Release

Monsignor Joseph A. Ranieri
Coordinator, Pastoral Care of Priests
Archdiocese of Washington

Janice Benton, OFS
Executive Director, National Catholic Partnership on Disability

James Joseph Hanson (awarded posthumously)
President, Patient Rights Action Fund


Press Release

Michael J. Brescia, M.D.
Pro-Life Physician and Health Care Advocate

Mary Boyert
Former Director, Respect Life Ministry Archdiocese Atlanta

Fr. L. William Carmody (awarded posthumously)
Director, Respect Life Office Diocese of Colorado Springs


Press Release

Nancy Valko, RN, ALNC
Pro-Life Advocate & Nurse

Molly Kelly
Chastity & Pro-Life Advocate

Dr. Michael Taylor
Executive Director, Emeritus
National Committee for a Human Life Amendment


Press Release

Sheila Hopkins
Former Associate for Social Concerns
Florida Catholic Conference

Little Sisters of the Poor
Dedicated to Serving the Elderly and Vulnerable

George Wesolek (awarded posthumously)
Former Director, Public Policy and Social Concerns
Archdiocese of San Francisco, California


More info

Frances X. Hogan, Esq.
Member, Pontifical Academy for Life
Co-founder, Women Affirming Life

Sr. Jane Marie Klein
Advocate for Authentic Catholic Health Care & Conscience Rights
Chair of the Board, Franciscan Alliance

Barbara Thorp
Former Director, Pro-Life Office and Project Rachel Archdiocese of Boston


Press Release

Vincent Rue, PhD
Co-founder, Institute for Pregnancy Loss

Sr. Paula Vandegaer, SSS
Founder, International Life Services
Founder, Scholl Institute for Bioethics


Press Release

Joanna Angelo, MD
Former Member, Pontifical Academy for Life
Medical doctor

Mary Katherine Eckstein
Director, Gabriel Project of Archdiocese of Denver
Former Director, Respect Life Office of Archdiocese of Denver

Magaly Laguno
Founder, Vida Humana Internacional
International advocate for life


Press Release

Dr. William E. May
Senior Fellow, Culture of Life Foundation
Professor, Author

Monsignor Philip Reilly
Founder, Helpers of God's Precious Infants

Patricia Bainbridge
Former Director, Respect Life Office
Diocese of Rockford, Illinois

Student Leader Award

Thomas Nellson
Director of Pro-Life Hospitality, Catholic University of America

Lauren Roselli
Former President, Students for Life, Catholic University of America


Hanna Klaus, M.D.
Natural Family Planning Center of Washington, D.C.
Founder, TeenSTAR Program

Virginia McCaskey
Advocate and Witness on behalf of the Gospel of Life

Vicki Thorn
Founder, Project Rachel
Executive Director, National Office of Post-Abortion Reconciliation & Healing


Carolyn Brown-Davis (awarded posthumously)
Advocate, Organizer and Witness on behalf of the Gospel of Life to the African American, African and Caribbean Communities

Ann Dierks
Retired Director of the Respect Life Office
Director of Project Rachel, Diocese of Little Rock

Ralph Miech, M.D., Ph.D.
Professor of Pharmacology, Founding Member, Coalition of Americans for Research Ethics
Speaker, Author, Advisor and Expert Witness on Life Issues


Dr. John Bruchalski, M.D., F.A.C.O.G.
Founder, Director, Divine Mercy Care and Tepeyac Family Center

Molly Kertz
Retired Director of the Respect Life Office, Archdiocese of St. Louis

Thomas J. Marzen (awarded posthumously)
Former Director, National Legal Center for the Medically Dependent and Disabled