Study guides and lessons for your Sunday School classes can be adapted from the plans available on the Educational Resources page.
Prayer Resources
- Holy Hour Against Racism
- Stations of the Cross: Overcoming Racism (en Español)
- This new Stations of the Cross resource on overcoming racism can help you, your family, or faith community reflect on the pastoral letter against racism, Open Wide Our Hearts: The Enduring Call to Love. A rich Lenten reflection, this prayer resource can help open our hearts to the persistent sin of racism and the call to help overcome it.
- St. Peter Claver Prayer Service 2019 | Printable Version
- Mass Formulary-St. Peter Claver 2019 | Printable Version
- Prophetic Witness Against Racism | en Español
- Scripture Reflection - We Are One Body | en Español
- Children's Prayers
- Prayer to Address the Sin of Racism | en Español
- Prayer to Heal Racial Division | en Español
- Prayer Card: Prayer for Peace in Our Communities | en Español | en français
- Prayers of the Faithful
- God of the Journey: 50th Anniversary Prayer Selma to Montgomery March
- What is Systemic Racism? | en Español
- Racism and Economic Inequality | en Español
- Racism and Education | en Español
- Racism and Employment | en Español
- Racism and Housing | en Español
- Racism and Migration | en Español
- Racism and the Criminal Justice System | en Español
- Racism and the Native American Experience | en Español
- Racism and Voting | en Español