A program of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), the Catholic Campaign for Human Development’s (CCHD) Community Development Grant Program is focused on promoting the mission of Jesus Christ and moving forward the priorities of the USCCB; in particular, protecting human life and dignity, strengthening marriage and family life, and nurturing diversity. The Community Development Grant Program does this by supporting organizations that are led by people living in poverty and bring individuals together to change structures and policies that perpetuate the cycle of poverty.
To determine whether your organization is eligible for a Community Development grant, please review the grant policies, criteria, and guidelines carefully. To apply for a grant, see CCHD's grants process and timeline. Please note, CCHD requires that community development initiatives take a three-year break in funding after receiving six years of support. To determine your organization's eligibility, contact your Grant Specialist.
More Information and Resources
- More Information
- Report Forms
- Eligible Applicant Attachments