Happening Now

Growing Conflict in the Sahel
In an April 3, 2020 letter to Secretary of State Pompeo, Bishop David J. Malloy writes to express his concern about the growing conflict and loss of life in the Sahel countries of Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger and the risk of its spread to neighboring countries such as Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire.  In his letter he provided a policy framework proposing recommendations on how the U.S. government can further address this conflict.

Chairman of U.S. Bishops’ Committee on International Justice and Peace, Offers Condolences and Solidarity to the Church in Burkina Faso after multiple terrorist attacks on Churches.
June 7, 2019

Soldarity with the People of Burkina Faso
In a June 6, 2019 letter to the President of the National Episcopal Conference of Burkina Faso and Niger, Archbishop Tmothy P. Broglio writes to express solidarity with the people of Burkina Faso as they struggle with the ongoing wave of violent terrorist attacks.

Policy and Advocacy for Justice and Peace in Western Africa

Background Information

Backgrounder on Mali
February 2013

Backgrounder on Nigeria
September 2012


Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Guinea-Bissau, Niger, Liberia, Mali, and Sierra Leone

Letter to Secretary of State Blinken Regarding Armed Coup in Niger
Bishop David J. Malloy, September 14, 2023

Letter of Solidarity to Bishops' Conference of Côte d'Ivoire Regarding Upcoming National Elections
Bishop David J. Malloy, June 22, 2020

Letter to Secretary of State Pompeo Regarding Elections in Côte d'Ivoire
Bishop David J. Malloy, April 2, 2020

Letter to Secretary of State Pompeo Regarding Conflict and Instability in West Africa
Bishop David J. Malloy, March 12, 2020

Statement by Catholic Bishops of Côte d'Ivoire
January 2020 

Statement by the Catholic Bishops of Côte d'Ivoire
June 2019

Chairman of U.S. Bishops’ Committee on International Justice and Peace, Offers Condolences and Solidarity to the Church in Burkina Faso after multiple terrorist attacks on Churches
June 7, 2019

Letter of Solidarity with the People of Burkina Faso as They Struggle with Wave of Violent Terrorist Attacks
Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio, June 6, 2019 

Letter to Congress Regarding Ebola Outbreak in West Africa
Bishop Richard E. Pates and Dr. Carolyn Woo, November 6, 2014

Letter to National Security Council Regarding Ebola Outbreak in West Africa
Bishop Richard E. Pates and Dr. Carolyn Woo, September 23, 2014

Opening Address to Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM)
Bishop Richard E. Pates, July 8, 2013

Letter to Secretary of State Kerry Expressing Concern for the Situation in Mali
Bishop Richard E. Pates, April 29, 2013

Statement on Famine Relief in Niger
Most Reverend John H. Ricard, SSJ, August 3, 2005

Statement on the Situation in Liberia
Bishop John H. Ricard, May 29, 2003

Letter to Condoleeza Rice on Liberia
Bishop John H. Ricard, July 3, 2003

Letter to Secretary of the Treasury O'Neill on Enhanced HIPC Debt Reduction
(References to Zambia, Niger and Guinea)
Cardinal Bernard Law, June 5, 2001

Statement on Highly Indebted Poor Country Enhanced Debt Reduction
(References Guinea, Uganda, Zambia, Niger, and Nicaragua)
June 4, 2001

Statement on the Situation in Sierra Leone
Cardinal Bernard Law, June 21, 2000 


Letter to Secretary of State Blinken Regarding Nigeria
Bishop A. Elias Zaidan, April 2, 2024

Letter to Secretary of State Blinken Regarding Situation in Nigeria
Bishop David J. Malloy, October 19, 2022

Statement Regarding the Attack on St. Francis Xavier Church in Nigeria
Bishop David J. Malloy, June 8, 2022

Letter to President of Catholic Bishops' Conference of Nigeria After Murder of University Student and Attacks on Church Property
Bishop David J. Malloy, May 26, 2022

Letter to Secretary of State Blinken Regarding the Situation in Nigeria 
Bishop David J. Malloy, June 24 2021

Letter to Secretary of State Blinken Regarding the Deteriorating Situation in Nigeria
Bishop David J. Malloy, March 19, 2021

Statement from the Catholic Bishops' Conference of Nigeria: We Must Pull Back From the Brink of Collapse
February 23, 2021

Letter to Secretary of State Pompeo Regarding Conflict and Instability in West Africa
Bishop David J. Malloy, March 12, 2020

Letter of Solidarity with the Church in Nigeria Regarding Ash Wednesday Prayer Procession for Peace
Bishop David J. Malloy, February 26, 2020

A statement from the USCCB President on this Weekend’s Bombings and Church Collapse
Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo, December 11, 2016

Letter to National Security Adviser Rice on the Kidnapping of Nigerian School Girls
Bishop Richard E. Pates, May 9, 2014

Letter to Cardinal Onaiyekan on Bombing in Abuja, Nigeria and on Aduction of School Girls
Bishop Richard E. Pates, April 16, 2014

Letter to Secretary of State Clinton on Re-Establishment of Security and the Rule of Law in Nigeria
Bishop Richard E. Pates, October 1, 2012

Solidarity Letter to the Church in Nigeria after Church Bombing
Cardinal Timothy Dolan, Bishop Richard E. Pates, September 25, 2012

Speech by Archbishop John Onaiyekan on International Religious Freedom in Nigeria
September 12, 2012

Letter to Secretary of State Clinton Regarding the Situation in Nigeria
Bishop Richard E. Pates, July 6, 2012

Letter to Archbishop Onaiyekan Expressing Solidarity with the Church in Nigeria After Attacks on Churches During Christmas
Bishop Richard E. Pates, December 27, 2011

Letter to Archbishop Job Expressing Solidarity with the Church in Nigeria After Attacks on Churches During Christmas
Bishop Richard E. Pates, December 27, 2011

Letter of Solidarity to the Bishops of Nigeria After Christmas Eve Attacks and Subsequent Violence
Bishop Howard J. Hubbard, January 20, 2011

Solidarity Letter to the Catholic Bishops' Conference in Nigeria Regarding the Recent Violence
Bishop Howard Hubbard, March 19, 2010

Statement on G8 Proposal for Debt Cancellation
Reference to Nigeria
Bishop John H. Ricard, June 14, 2005

Building God's Kingdom of Justice and Peace
Catholic Bishops' Conference of Nigeria, March 10, 2001

Policy and Advocacy for Justice and Peace in the Sahel