Policy and Advocacy for Justice and Peace in the Caribbean

Cuba: 2011-Present

Positive Change Will Come for Cuba with Bilateral Collaboration and Cooperation
Bishop A. Elias Zaidan, January 16, 2025

Letter to Secretary of State Blinken on Removal of Cuba from the State Sponsor of Terrorism List
Bishop A. Elias Zaidan, July 9, 2024

U.S. Bishops’ Chairman on International Justice and Peace on Renewed Engagement with Cuba
Bishop David J. Malloy, May 19, 2022

U.S. Bishops’ President and International Justice and Peace Chairman Respond to Recent Events in Cuba 
Archbishop José H. Gomez and Bishop David J. Malloy, July 19, 2021 

U.S. Bishops’ Chairman for International Justice and Peace Responds to Announcement by the Department of State to Add Cuba to List of State Sponsors of Terrorism
Bishop David J. Malloy, January 12, 2021

Statement on Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan's Pastoral Solidarity Visit to the Church in Cuba
Bishop David J. Malloy, February 18, 2020

U.S. Bishops' Chairman Expresses USCCB's Concern that the Strengthening of the Embargo Against Cuba is Counterproductive to the Develoment of Civil Society on the Island
Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio, June 6, 2019

Statement on Cuba Policy Changes
Bishop Oscar Cantú, June 19, 2017

Letters to U. S. House of Representatives Regarding Opening of Diplomatic Relations and Regulations on Travel and Trade with Cuba
Bishop Oscar Cantú, June 24, 2015

Letter to Sponsors in the Senate of Recent Legislation Concerning Cuba
Bishop Oscar Cantú, June 22 2015

Letter to the U.S. Senate Regarding Opening of Diplomatic Relations and on Regulations on Travel and Trade with Cuba 
Bishop Oscar Cantú, June 22, 2015

Letter to U.S. Congressional Leaders Regarding Travel Restrictions and U.S. Trade Policy Toward Cuba
Bishop Oscar Cantú, February 2, 2015

Bishop Cantú Welcomes Release of Alan Gross, Change to U.S. Policy Toward Cuba
December 17, 2014

Letter to Congress on U.S. Policy on Trade with and Travel to Cuba
Bishop Richard E. Pates, February 20, 2014

Letter to National Security Advisor Rice on Cuban Bishops' Conference Pastoral Letter
Bishop Richard E. Pates, September 26, 2013

Letter to Secretary of State Kerry on Lifting the Embargo, Travel Restrictions and Rules on Remittances to Cuba
Bishop Richard E. Pates, May 31, 2013

Letter to Secretary of State Clinton on Radio and TV Marti's Criticism of Cardinal Ortega
Bishop Richard E. Pates, May 23, 2012

Letter to His Eminence Jaime Lucas Cardinal Ortega y Alamino Concerning Criticism from Director of Radio and TV Marti
Bishop Richard E. Pates, May 23, 2012

Letter to Secretary of State Clinton Regarding Trade Embargo on Cuba
Bishop Richard E. Pates, April 17, 2012

Letter National Security Council on New Policies Lifting Some Restrictions on Cuba
Bishop Howard J. Hubbard, January 19, 2011

Cuba: 2000-2010

Letter in Support of the Travel Restriction Reform and Export Enhancement Act
Bishop Howard J. Hubbard, March 8, 2010

Letter to House Committee on Foreign Affairs Supporting Bill to Lift Travel Restrictions to Cuba
Bishop Howard J. Hubbard, November 18, 2009

Letter to National Security Council Welcoming Changes to U.S.-Cuba Policy
Bishop Howard J. Hubbard, April 15, 2009

Letter to Senate Supporting Bill to Remove Travel Restrictions to Cuba
Bishop Howard J. Hubbard, March 31, 2009

Letter to Congress regarding the Freedom to Travel to Cuba Act
Bishop Howard J. Hubbard, February 9, 2009

Letter to Congress Regarding the Humanitarian Relief to Cuba Act
Bishop Thomas G. Wenski, September 23, 2008

Letter on Cuba to U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations on Efforts to Relax Restrictions of Travel and Remittances from the U.S. to Cuba
Bishop Thomas G. Wenski, September 22, 2008

Letter to President George W. Bush on Relaxing Travel and Remittances Restrictions After Devasting Hurricane Damage to Cuba
Cardinal Francis George, September 11, 2008

Letter to Senators on Relaxing Travel Restrictions to Cuba
Bishop Thomas Wenski, July 21, 2008

Letter to Rep. Rangel on Bill to Allow Travel Between the U.S. and Cuba
Bishop Thomas Wenski, March 21, 2007

Letter to U.S. Representative Serrano on Suspending Restrictions on Travel and Remittances to Cuba
Bishop John Ricard, July 19, 2005

Letter to the U.S. House of Representatives Regarding Travel to and Remittances to Cuba
Bishop John H. Ricard, July 22, 2004

Letter to President Bush on the Report of the Commission for Assistance to a Free Cuba
Bishop Wilton D. Gregory, May 18, 2004

Letter to Senator Frist Regarding the Ban on Travel from the U.S. to Cuba
Bishop John Ricard, October 31, 2003

Pastoral Message from the Catholic Bishops' Conference of Cuba: The Social Presence of the Church
Catholic Bishops Conference of Cuba, September 8, 2003

U.S. Bishops Express Solidarity with Cuba After Hurricane Michelle
Bishop Joseph A. Fiorenza, November 14, 2001

Statement on Debt Relief and Sanctions Against Cuba
Cardinal Bernard Law, November 2, 2000

Letter to Senate Conferees on Agriculture Appropriations and Ending Sanctions
Cardinal Bernard Law, September 27, 2000

Statement on the Economic Embargo Against Cuba
Cardinal Bernard Law, July 12, 2000

Letter to Rules Committee on Embargo
Cardinal Bernard Law, May 12, 2000

Letter on Cuba Sanctions
Cardinal Bernard Law, May 8, 2000

Cuba: 1989-1999

Letter to Congress Regarding Medical and Agricultural Sanctions
September 27, 1999

Statement on the Restoration of the Christmas Holiday in Cuba
December 4, 1998

Letter to Senate on Bi-Partisan Commission on U.S. and Cuban Relations
October 21, 1998

USCC-CRS Statement on Humanitarian Aid to Cuba
June 6, 1998

Testimony on U.S. Economic and Trade Policy Toward Cuba
Mr. Thomas Quigley, May 7, 1998

Statement on Lifting Some Restrictions on Aid to Cuba
March 20, 1998

Testimony Before Congressional Committee on Papal Visit to Cuba
Mr. Thomas E. Quigley, March 4, 1998

Statement on the Release of Cuban Prisoners
February 12, 1998

Statement on Cuba in Light of the Papal Visit
January 30, 1998

Letter of Support for the Church in Cuba
Bishop Anthony M. Pilla, March 20, 1996

A Call to Reconciliation and Peace
The Bishops of Cuba, March 12, 1996

Statement on Downing of Civilian Aircraft by Cuban Fighter Planes
Bishop Daniel P. Reilly, March 1, 1996

Letter to Cuban Interest Section on Arrest of Orson Vila
Mr. Robert Hennemeyer, August 23, 1995

Statement on Lifting Certain Restrictions
Bishop Daniel P. Reilly, October 10, 1995

Letter to Secretary of State Christopher on Need for Dialogue with Cubans
Bishop Daniel P. Reilly, August 26, 1994

Letter to Secretary Christopher on Cuban Bishops' Letter Regarding Trade Embargo and Religious Freedom in Cuba
Archbishop John R. Roach, September 28, 1993

Letter to Secretary Eagleburger Regarding Statements from Cuban Bishops on Trade Embargo and on Religious Freedom in Cuba
Archbishop John R. Roach, October 16, 1992

Letter to Cuban Interest Section Urging Clemency for Condemned Prisoners
Msgr. Robert Lynch, January 16, 1992

Letter to Cuban Interest Section on Political Prisoners
Msgr. Robert Lynch, November 8, 1989

Haiti: 2000-2010

Letter to U.S. House pf Representatives Regarding the Haiti Empowerment, Assistance, and Rebuilding Act
Bishop Howard Hubbard and Mr. Ken Hackett, August 17, 2010

Letter to Congress in Support of the Haiti Empowerment, Assistance, and Rebuilding Act
Bishop Howard Hubbard, June 1, 2010

Letter to the U.S. Senate in Support of the Haiti Economic Lift Program Act
Bishop Howard Hubbard, May 4, 2010

Letter to the U.S. House of Representative in Support of the HELP Act
Bishop Howard Hubbard, May 4, 2010

Letter on 2010 Appropriations with Supplemental for Haiti
Bishop Howard J. Hubbard and Ken Hackett, April 13, 2010

Letter to the U.S. House of Representatives in Support of Haiti Debt Cancellation Bill
Bishop Howard Hubbard, March 3, 2010

Letter to Administration Officials Regarding the Long-Term Recovery and Development of Haiti
Bishop Howard Hubbard, January 26, 2010

Letter to President George W. Bush Urging Temporary Protected Status for Haiti
Cardinal Francis George, October 8, 2008

Testimony Before the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance Regarding Oversight of U.S. Trade Preference Programs
References to Haiti and Bolivia
Fr. Andrew Small, OMI, June 12, 2008

Letter to Secretary of the Treasury Paulson, U.S. Trade Representative Schwab, and Congressional Leaders on Key Trade Measures
References Haiti, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru
Bishop Thomas G. Wenski, February 25, 2008

Ecumenical Letter in Support of the HOPE Act of 2006 Contained in H.R. 6142
Ecumenical Leadership, October 31, 2006

Letter to Congress Urging Support of HR6142 for Trade Preferences to Haiti
Bishop Thomas Wenski, September 25, 2006

Letter to House and Senate Conference Committee on the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act
Bishop Nicholas Dimarzio and Bishop Thomas G. Wenski, May 19, 2006

Letter to Secretary of State Rice Urging Support for Trade Preferences for Haiti
Bishop Thomas G. Wenski, Ken Hackett, April 10, 2006

Letter to Ambassador Portman Urging Support for Trade Preferences for Haiti
Bishop Thomas G. Wenski, Ken Hackett, April 10, 2006

Letter to Congress on Trade Preference Legislation for Haiti
Bishop Thomas G. Wenski, February 24, 2006

Statement on the Haitian Elections
Bishop Thomas G. Wenski, February 21, 2006

Letter to U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives on Haitian Hemispheric Opportunity Through Partnership Encouragement ( Hope) Act
Bishop Thomas Wenski, December 7, 2005

Letter to Senator DeWine on Bill to Aid Haiti
Bishop John H. Ricard, October 28, 2005

Message on the Eve of the Elections
The Bishops of Haiti, April 8, 2005

Letter to the Priests from the Bishops
The Bishops of Haiti, April 7, 2005

Letter on Haitian HOPE Act
Bishop John H. Ricard, SSJ, November 19, 2004

Message to the Haitian People
The Bishops of Haiti, September 29, 2004

Letter on Haiti Economic Recovery Opportunity Act
Bishop John H. Ricard, September 20, 2004

Statement on Situation in Haiti
March 2, 2004

Commonwealth of Puerto Rico