Unaccompanied Refugee and Migrant Children are among the most vulnerable people on earth. Refugee children who have lost their families through war, violence, or other causes are often forgotten when they arrive in refugee camps, alone, scared and, at times, abused and exploited. Another vulnerable population is the children traveling alone to the United States without legal status. Upon entering the country without documentation, they often are apprehended by the Department of Homeland Security and placed in the custody of the Federal government. The Catholic Church has tirelessly advocated on behalf of migrant children, sought legislation that would provide greater protections for this population, and worked closely to provide them with any unmet needs that they might have. Visti this link for more information, about how the Church acts on behalf of migrant and refugee children.
For a downloadable fact sheet on Migrant and Refugee Children in English or Spanish, click on one of these links:
Migrant & Refugee Children Fact Sheet (English)
Migrant & Refugee Children Fact Sheet (Spanish)
Click here for a downloadable prayer card for migrant children.