"For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me" (Mt 25:35).
To make a contribution to the National Catholic Fund for Migration and Refugee Services, return the donation form to:
National Catholic Fund for Migration and Refugee Services
MRS Resource Development--5th floor
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
3211 4th St. NE
Washington, DC 20017
Make your gift go further if your employer has a matching gift program. List of matching gift employers.Both the Old and New Testaments tell compelling stories of refugees forced to flee because of oppression. Exodus tells the story of the Chosen People, Israel, who were victims of bitter slavery in Egypt. They were utterly helpless by themselves, but with God's powerful intervention they were able to escape and take refuge in the desert. For forty years they lived as wanderers with no homeland of their own. Finally, God fulfilled his ancient promise and settled them on the land that they could finally call home.
For further information, please contact Resource Development at 202-541-3064 or @email.
(We reserve the right to decline donations under certain circumstances. All donations will be considered, accepted, and processed in the District of Columbia.)
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) is an organization with 501(c)(3) status. Contributions are deductible as provided by law.