Who Benefits from the National Collections
Your gifts to the national collections support:
Evangelization programs in the United States through the Black and Indian Missions Collection
Projects to reduce poverty in the United States through the Catholic Campaign for Human Development
Fragile Catholic communities in the United States through the Catholic Home Missions Appeal
Poor and hungry people abroad and immigrants and refugees to the United States through the Catholic Relief Services Collection
Pastoral projects in Central and South America and in the Caribbean through the Collection for the Church in Latin America
Catholics rebuilding after 70 years of Communist repression through the Collection for the Church in Central and Eastern Europe
The Church's world missions through the World Mission Sunday Collection
Catholic viewers and listeners searching for values in media through the Catholic Communication Campaign
Elderly religious, including priests, sisters, and brothers through the Retirement Fund for Religious
The Christians especially and all people and sacred places in the region of Jesus' earthly ministry through the Collection for the Holy Land
Students who receive scholarships to attend the Catholic University of America
Humanitarian initiatives and social promotion projects, as well as the support of the Holy See, through the Peter's Pence Collection
Pastoral projects including outreach programs, evangelization, and education of clergy and lay ministers in Africa through the Solidarity Fund for the Church in Africa
Catholic military men, women, veterans and their families for whom pastoral care, receiving the sacraments, religious education and faith formation, and the other ministries readily available in every other U.S. diocese, are the responsibility of the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA.