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2. UPLOAD the image into a new social media post.

3. COPY & PASTE the pre-written text into the post.


WEBINAR: A free, one-hour webinar gives helpful hints for communicating your message through social media.

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At a Glance

The following images and suggested post text are part of the 2016-17 Respect Life Program. Additionally, the social media toolkit from the 2015-16 Respect Life Program is also available to use .

Scroll through the page, or jump to your area of interest!

2016-17 Respect Life Program Theme:
Moved by Mercy


             Poster                               Reflection Flyer                    Resource Guide
    Order / Download                  Order / Download                  Order / Download  
Moved by Mercy          Moved by Mercy         Moved by Mercy

Moved by Mercy   

DOWNLOAD: Click the thumbnail to open the full-sized image, then right-click with your mouse to "Save Image As."

(Spanish coming soon.)






USE as your Facebook cover photo, profile picture, online, or in print!

(Please see guidelines.)









Moved by Mercy

 Moved by Mercy Moved by Mercy Moved by Mercy

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Bridges of Mercy for Post-Abortion Healing

respect life

  Real-life examples* illustrate how an abortion might later affect
  someone's life. How can we be bridges of God's mercy for people
  suffering after abortion? Suggestions are directed to groups of
  people from all walks of life. (*Names changed for privacy.)


Click the thumbnail to open the full-sized image, then right-click with your mouse to "Save Image As." 

Shareable Images: Bridges of Mercy for Post-Abortion Healing (

  Shareable Images: Bridges of Mercy for Post-Abortion Healing (  Shareable Images: Bridges of Mercy for Post-Abortion Healing (

    English / en español                Englishen español              English en español


Suggested Posts:

  1. God longs to grant each one of us his healing mercy. We need not fear! Read more:

    Dios desea dar a cada uno su misericordia. ¡No tenemos por qué temer! Lee más en:

  2. Pray for all suffering from post-abortion pain & learn how to be an instrument of mercy:

    Reza por los afligidos tras un aborto y sé un instrumento de misericordia para ellos:

  3. Many want to help women & men heal from past abortions but don't know how. Find out:

    Para ayudar a mujeres y hombres afligidos por abortos pasados y no sabes cómo, ve a:

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Caring for Loved Ones at Life's End

Caring for Loved Ones at Life's End

When loved ones approach life's end, we may not know how to 
support them. Ten suggestions anchored in unconditional respect for human life help readers know how to provide authentically compassionate care.


Click the thumbnail to open the full-sized image, then right-click with your mouse to "Save Image As." 

Caring for Loved One's at Life's End  Caring for Loved One's at Life's End  Caring for Loved One's at Life's End

     English / en español                English / en español               English / en español

Suggested Posts:

  1. Care for loved ones during their last days is an enormously important act of mercy:

    Cuidar a un ser queridos al final es un acto de misericordia muy importante:

  2. In addition to medical care, loved ones' suffering can be alleviated by your empathy:

    El sufrimiento de los seres queridos puede aliviarse con tu empatía y los médicos:

  3. Learn how to compassionately care for a loved one nearing life's end: #MovedbyMercy

    Aprende a ser compasivo con un ser querido al final de su vida: #movidosporlamisericordia


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Every Suicide is Tragic

Every Suicide is Tragic

This article explores tragic consequences of embracing a false distinction between requests for death by those with a mental illness and by those with a terminal illness.


Click the thumbnail to open the full-sized image, then right-click with your mouse to "Save Image As."

Every Suicide is Tragic  Every Suicide is Tragic  respect life

     English / en español                English / en español              English / en español

Every Suicide is Tragic -  Every Suicide is Tragic -

    English / en español                English / en español

Suggested Posts:

  1. Legalizing doctor-assisted suicide wrongly communicates that some lives aren't worth living:

    Legalizar el suicidio asistido comunica que algunas vidas no merecen vivir:

  2. Suicide is never a solution to suffering. We must accompany, not abandon, the vulnerable:

    El suicidio nunca resuelve el sufrimiento. Acompañemos y no abandonemos al suicida:

  3. Suicide, at any stage of life & for any reason, is always a tragedy:   #MovedbyMercy

    El suicidio en cualquier etapa y por cualquier motivo es una tragedia:  #MovedbyMercy

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Seven Considerations While Navigating Infertility

Seven Considerations While Navigating Infertility

Primarily directed to couples struggling with infertility, this article seeks to provide compassionate guidance that is both practical and informative. Other readers may also find it helpful in better understanding this issue.


Click the thumbnail to open the full-sized image, then right-click with your mouse to "Save Image As." 

Seven Considerations While Navigating Infertility  respect life  respect life
     English / en español                English / en español               English / en español

Suggested Posts:

  1. For those struggling to become parents, Seven Considerations While Navigating Infertility:

    Para padres que no pueden gestar, Siete consideraciones al enfrentar la infertilidad:

  2. Parenthood doesn’t always happen easily after “I do.” Reach out with mercy and compassion:

    Ser padres no siempre ocurre después del "Sí". Da tu mano con misericordia y compasión:

  3. May couples navigating infertility know the merciful love of Christ: #MovedbyMercy

    Que las parejas con infertilidad conozcan la misericordia de Cristo: #Movidosporlamisericordia

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Serene Attentiveness to God's Creation

Serene Attentiveness to God's Creation

Drawing from Pope Francis's encyclical Laudato si', this article explores how healthy relationships with God, one another, and the rest of creation are key to a culture in which we value human life and care for God's creation at every level.


Click the thumbnail to open the full-sized image, then right-click with your mouse to "Save Image As." 

Serene Attentiveness To God’s Creation
  Serene Attentiveness To God’s Creation  Serene Attentiveness To God’s Creation     
      English / en español                Englishen español             English / en español

Suggested Posts:

  1. We are each responsible for caring for the world God has entrusted to us:

    Somos responsables de cuidar el mundo que Dios nos ha confiado:

  2. Our efforts to care for creation must always respect human life. More: #MovedbyMercy

    Nuestro cuidado de la creación debe respetar la vida humana. Más: #movidosporlamisericordia

  3. In Laudato si' Pope Francis reminds us, "Everything is connected." More info:

    En Laudato si’ el Papa Francisco nos dice: “todo está conectado”. Más en:

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Accompanying Expectant Mothers Considering Adoption

Accompanying Expectant Mothers Considering Adoption

Drawing from the personal experience of a mother who placed her child for adoption, this article gives nine pointers for offering ongoing support to other expectant mothers considering adoption.


Click the thumbnail to open the full-sized image, then right-click with your mouse to "Save Image As." 

Accompanying Expectant Mothers Considering Adoption  Accompanying Expectant Mothers Considering Adoption  Accompanying Expectant Mothers Considering Adoption

     English / en español                Englishen español             English  /  en español

Suggested Posts:

  1. Find out how you can be an agent of mercy to an unexpected mother: #MovedbyMercy

    Descubre cómo puedes ser un modelo de misericordia para una madre gestante: #movidosporlamisericordia

  2. How can we share God's love with expectant mothers considering adoption? Find out!

    Aprende a compartir el amor divino con madres gestantes que dan en adopción:

  3. Tips for supporting a woman considering placing her child for adoption: #MovedbyMercy

    Consejos para apoyar a una mujer que desea dar a su hijo en adopción: #movidosporlamisericordia

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