For medical researchers:
that they may be inspired and strengthened
by a love for every human person,
from the first moment of conception;
We pray to the Lord:
For medical researchers:
that inspired by the beauty of human life
they might seek to be co-workers with God
in fulfillment of his divine plan;
We pray to the Lord:
For doctors:
who in their practice abort unborn children:
that God might give them the grace
to turn from sin and remember the Gospel;
We pray to the Lord:
For those who study medicine:
that they may be driven by a desire
to heal and protect very human person;
We pray to the Lord:
For doctors, nurses and other medical personnel,
especially those tempted by abortion:
that God might change their hearts
and give them the conviction
of the Gospel of Life;
We pray to the Lord:
For doctors who perform abortions,
and for those who assist them:
that by our love, patience,
and unswerving dedication to the truth,
they might be drawn closer to the Lord of life;
We pray to the Lord:
For teachers in schools of medicine and nursing:
that their love for life and healing
might inspire their students;
We pray to the Lord:
For medical researchers,
and all scientists:
that the holy work they do may ever be guided by God;
We pray to the Lord:
For all new doctors:
for the grace of faith, courage, and love of life;
We pray to the Lord: