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A Heart Open to God's Will: Novena to the Blessed Mother
- This beautiful novena to Our Blessed Mother includes an excerpt from the Gospel of Luke's Annunciation account, the novena prayer and a reflection on the challenge of doing God's will in today's world. Promoters of NFP have looked to this feast for inspiration to welcome more children into the family.
- Author:USCCB Diocesan Development Program for NFP
- Publication Year: 2007
- Item Type: Tri-fold pamphlet
- Item Number: 0726
- Price: 30¢ each; $20/100
Married Love and the Gift of Life
- Through a series of nine questions and answers, the U.S. Catholic address what the Church teaches about marriage and the meaning of the "yes" that the bride and groom give to each other on their wedding day.
- Author:United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
- Publication Year: 2006
- Item Type: Booklet, 20 pg.
- Item Number: 0626; en español 0627
- Price: $2.00 each
Sex: What Women (and Men) Really Want
- Author presents some of the negative physical and emotional consequences of contraceptive use and reflects on love and the divine plan in a spirited defense of natural family planning.
- Author:Theresa Notare, M.A.
- Publication Year: 2004
- Item Type: Leaflet, 4 pg.
- Item Number: 0446
- Price: 40¢ each; 10-49 copies, 30¢ each; 50+ copies, 25¢ each. Bulk discounts available.
Faith and Perseverance: Saints Anne and Joachim Novena
- Saints Anne and Joachim are powerful intercessors for all married couples, expectant mothers and married couples who are having difficulty conceiving.
- Author:USCCB Diocesan Development Program for NFP
- Publication Year: 2004
- Item Type: Flier, 2 pg.
- Item Number: 0422; en español 0423
- Price: 25¢ each; $15/100
NFP Awareness Week Posters
- Highlight NFP Awareness Week in your parish, hospital, NFP Classroom, Marriage Preparation office, doctors' office, family life center or campus ministry center.
- Author:USCCB Diocesan Development Program for NFP
- Publication Year: 2002 - Current
- Item Type: Full-color, 17" x 22" poster; English/Español sides
- Price: $2.75 each; 50-99 copies, $2.00 each; 100+ copies, $1.75 each.
- Item Number: 2009 Poster: 0922
- 2008 Poster: 0822
- 2007 Poster: 0722
- 2006 Poster: 0622
- 2005 Poster: 0522
- 2004 Poster: 0421
- 2003 Poster: 0322; en español 0323
- 2002 Poster: 0220
- 2002 Poster (African American): 0221
Natural Family Planning
- Provides basic information about natural family planning methods and their effectiveness in achieving and limiting births.
- Author:USCCB Diocesan Development Program for NFP
- Publication Year: 1995, revised 2002
- Item Type: Pamphlet, 8 panels
- Item Number: 9521; en español 9525
- Price: 25¢ each; $15/100; $120/1,000
NFP: Myths and Reality
- Focuses on ten misunderstood points concerning natural family planning methods and Church teachings.
- Author:USCCB Diocesan Development Program for NFP
- Publication Year: 1995, revised 2002
- Item Type: Pamphlet, 8 panels
- Item Number: 9522; en español 9523
- Price: 25¢ each; $15/100; $120/1,000
Natural Family Planning: An Unexpected Grace
- A candid discussion by the author about her experience as an NFP practitioner and teacher.
- Author:Lee Ann Doerflinger
- Publication Year: 2002
- Item Type: Leaflet, 4 pg.
- Item Number: 0246
- Price: 40¢ each; 10-49 copies, 30¢ each; 50+ copies, 25¢ each. Bulk discounts available.
National Standards for Diocesan Natural Family Planning Ministry
- Revised guidelines for diocesan NFP programs to help couples deepen conjugal love and achieve responsible parenthood.
- Author:NCCB Administrative Committee
- Publication Year: 2000
- Item Number: 0032
An Introduction to Natural Family Planning
- Basic information about NFP, with an overview on fertility; explains the two most popular NFP methods (Sympto-Thermal Method and Ovulation Method). Used in many diocesan marriage preparation programs.
- Author:Richard Fehring, Stella Kitchen, and Mary Shivanandan
- Publication Year: 1999
- Item Type: Booklet, 20 pg.
- Item Number: 9921; en español 9927
- Price: $1.50 each; 10-49 copies, $1.25 each; 50+ copies, $1.00 each. Bulk discounts available.
FOCUS Series
- Ongoing series of brief two-page articles on Natural Family Planning, Church teachings supporting its practice in marriage, and related issues. Designed for use in NFP programs, Marriage Preparation programs, and appropriate parish educational programs.
- When Can We Use NFP? What the Church teaches on the moral spacing and limiting of births by spouses
- Author:Mary Shivanandan, M.A., S.T.D.
- Publication Year: 1999
- Item Type: Article, 2 pg.
- Item Number: 9730
- Price: 25¢ each; $15/100; $120/1,000
Action, Effectiveness and Medical Side-Effects of Common Methods of Family Planning
- Author:Hanna Klaus, M.D.
- Publication Year: 1999
- Item Type: Article, 2 pg.
- Item Number: 9922
- Price: 25¢ each; $15/100; $120/1,000
Contraceptives & the Menstrual Cycle: The Effects of Depo-Medroxyprogesterone Acetate (Depo-Provera), and Norplant on the Menstrual Cycle
- Author:L. Cvetkovich, M.D., F.A.C.O.G.
- Publication Year: 1999
- Item Type: Article, 2 pg.
- Item Number: 9923
- Price: 25¢ each; $15/100; $120/1,000
Drugs Which Affect the Cervical Mucus
- Author:Hanna Klaus, M.D.
- Publication Year: 1999
- Item Type: Article, 2 pg.
- Item Number: 9924
- Price: 25¢ each; $15/100; $120/1,000
What's in a Number? How to Read NFP Surveys and Studies
- Author:Robert T. Kambic, M.S.H.
- Publication Year: 1999
- Item Type: Article, 2 pg.
- Item Number: 9925
- Price: 25¢ each; $15/100; $120/1,000
Reproductive Technology: Evaluation and Treatment of Infertility Guidelines for Catholic Couples
- Author:Hanna Klaus, M.D.
- Publication Year: 1999
- Item Type: Article, 2 pg.
- Item Number: 9926
- Price: 25¢ each; $15/100; $120/1,000
Responsible Parents are Open to Life
- Author:Bishop J. Peter Sartain
- Publication Year: 2001
- Item Type: Article, 2 pg.
- Item Number: 0324
- Price: 25¢ each; $15/100; $120/1,000
Chastity: Its Place in the Gospel of Life
- "Evangelium Vitae upholds the dignity of human life at all stages. We can show our reverence for this gift of life by honoring the truth about human sexuality. Chastity–both for married couples and single persons–speaks a language of authentic love and gives glory to God."
- Author:Rose Fuller
- Publication Year: 1996
- Item Type: Leaflet, 4 pg.
- Item Number: 9601-FUL
- Price: 40¢ each; 10-49 copies, 30¢ each; 50+ copies, 25¢ each. Bulk discounts available.
NFP Bibliography
- Provides a comprehensive listing of contemporary research, which has formed the bases and establishes the effectiveness of the methods of natural family planning. Divided into eight sections. Contents include information on breast-feeding and NFP, psychosocial aspects of NFP, as well as monographs, proceedings, and classic articles.
- Author:Richard J. Fehring, DNSc, RN and Robert T. Kambic, MSH
- Publication Year: 1995
- Item Type: Booklet, 55 pg.
- Item Number: 9520
- Price: $12.95 each
Human Sexuality: Where Faith and Science Meet
- The scientific study of human sexual behavior confirms the validity of Church teaching, and at the same time challenges us to respond to an emerging crisis.
- Author:Theresa Notare
- Publication Year: 1994
- Item Type: Leaflet, 4 pg.
- Item Number: 9401-NOT
- Price: 40¢ each; 10-49 copies, 30¢ each; 50+ copies, 25¢ each. Bulk discounts available.
Human Sexuality from God's Perspective: Humanae Vitae 25 Years Later
- Statement from the NCCB Committee for Pro-Life Activities issued on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Humanae Vitae.
- Author:National Conference of Catholic Bishops
- Publication Year: 1993
- Item Type: Leaflet, 1 pg.
- Item Number: 9320
- Price: 1-99 copies, 8¢ each; 100-1000 copies, 7¢ each
An Affirmation of Natural Family Planning
- Letter articulating the importance of NFP services in the dioceses.
- Author:USCCB Diocesan Development Program for NFP
- Publication Year: 1991
- Item Number: 9120
- Price: 1-99 copies, 7¢ each; 100-1000 copies, 6¢ each
Catholic Teaching on Population Issues
- Offers an overview of the Church's teachings on population, discussing international politics of population including such issues as economic implications and family planning.
- Author:Bishop James T. McHugh
- Publication Year: 1991
- Item Type: Booklet, 10 pg.
- Item Number: 9121
- Price: $2.00 each
Natural Family Planning Nationwide Survey
- The detailed report of the nationwide survey of NFP couples in the dioceses of the United States.
- Author:Grace A. Boys, SSS, Ph.D.
- Publication Year: 1989
- Item Type: Booklet, 39 pg.
- Item Number: 8920
- Price: $2.00 each
Statement on the 20th Anniversary of Humanae Vitae
- Statement on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Humanae Vitae with the summary of a nationwide survey of NFP.
- Author:NCCB Committee for Pro-Life Activities
- Publication Year: 1988
- Item Type: Tri-fold pamphlet
- Item Number: 8820
- Price: 1-99 copies, 8¢ each; 100-1000 copies, 7¢ each
The Bishops and Natural Family Planning: Theological and Pastoral Implications
- Chronicles the development of the U.S. bishops' national office for NFP.
- Author:Msgr. James T. McHugh
- Publication Year: 1984
- Item Number: 8420
- Price: 1-99 copies, 7¢ each; 100-1000 copies, 6¢ each
Natural Family Planning: Some Pastoral Observations
- Document which lays the philosophical foundation for NFP services in the dioceses of the United States.
- Author:Cardinal Terence Cooke
- Publication Year: 1983
- Item Number: 8320
- Price: 1-99 copies, 7¢ each; 100-1000 copies, 6¢ each
Address to a Group of American Bishops
- The Holy Father speaks about Catholic teaching on human sexuality, the sacrament of marriage, conjugal love and parenthood, and NFP.
- Author:Pope John Paul II
- Publication Year: 1983
- Item Type: Leaflet, 1 pg.
- Item Number: 8321
- Price: 1-99 copies, 7¢ each; 100-1000 copies, 6¢ each
The Person, the Family, and Fundamental Choices
- Classic article reflecting upon how Catholic couples can integrate the teachings of the Church on conjugal love and responsible parenthood in their family planning decisions.
- Author:Msgr. James T. McHugh
- Publication Year: 1983
- Item Type: Leaflet, 6pg.
- Item Number: 8322
- Price: 40¢ each; 10-49 copies, 30¢ each; 50+ copies, 25¢ each. Bulk discounts available.
A Theological Perspective on Natural Family Planning
- Drawing from contemporary Church teachings, outlines basic theological elements supporting the moral acceptability of NFP methods.
- Author:Bishop James T. McHugh
- Publication Year: 1983
- Item Type: Booklet, 72 pg.
- Item Number: 8323
- Price: $2.00 each
NFP: A Review
- Author:USCCB Diocesan Development Program for NFP
- Publication Year: 1982
- Item Number: 8220
- Price: $2.00 each
Fertility Acceptance and Natural Family Planning
- Author explores modern technology's efforts to control and suppress fertility through the use of drugs and devices. Asserts that couples can achieve fertility management through the use of natural family planning and, in addition, that NFP imparts responsible behavior.
- Author:Mary Catherine Martin, Ph.D.
- Publication Year: 1981
- Item Type: Booklet, 16 pg.
- Item Number: 8107
- Price: 60¢ each
Diocesan Plan for NFP Development
- Lays the foundation for NFP services in the dioceses of the United States.
- Author:USCCB Diocesan Development Program for NFP
- Publication Year: 1981
- Item Type: Booklet, 31 pg.
- Item Number: 8120
- Price: $1.50 each
On the Regulation of Birth (Humanae Vitae)
- Pope Paul VI's 1968 encyclical reaffirming the Church's teaching on marriage, family, and the transmission of life.
- Author:Pope Paul VI
- Publication Year: 1968
- Item Type: Booklet, 16 pg.
- Item Number: 7611
- Price: $1.25 each.