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"The Hollow Men": Male Grief and Trauma Following Abortion
- As a practicing psychotherapist, Dr. Rue presents findings from clinical research and practice regarding male grief and trauma following abortion.
- Author:Vincent M. Rue, Ph.D.
- Publication Year: 2008
- Item Type: Multi-panel pamphlet
- Item Number: 0846
- Price: 40¢ each; 10-49 copies, 30¢ each; 50+ copies, 25¢ each. Bulk discounts available.
Project Rachel: In the Heart of the Church
- Offered in almost all the dioceses throughout the United States, Project Rachel is a network of caregivers, including priests, mental health professionals, and others who provide one-on-one care to those struggling after involvement in an abortion.
- Author:USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities
- Publication Year: 2007
- Item Type: Tri-fold pamphlet
- Item Number: 0748
- Price: 40¢ each; 10-49 copies, 30¢ each; 50+ copies, 25¢ each. Bulk discounts available.
Entering Canaan
- This post-abortion healing manual contains directions and materials for one-day, weekend, and weekly spiritual retreats.
- Author:Sisters of Life and Theresa Bonopartis
- Publication Year: 2004
- Item Type: Spiral Bound Booklet, 100 pg.
- Item Number: 0461
- Price: $13.95 each
Entering Canaan CD-ROM
- This post-abortion healing manual contains directions and materials for one-day, weekend, and weekly spiritual retreats.
- Author:Sisters of Life and Theresa Bonopartis
- Publication Year: 2004
- Item Type: CD-ROM
- Item Number: 0462
- Price: $9.95 each
How to Talk to a Friend Who's Had an Abortion — Teen Version
- What to say and do when a friend confides an abortion experience.
- Author:U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops
- Publication Year: 2001
- Item Type: Tri-fold pamphlet
- Item Number: 0120; en español 0121
- Price: 25¢ each; $20/100; $180/1,000
- Describes personal journey from the despair of abortion to profound spiritual healing that has enabled her to help others suffering after abortion along their path to forgiveness and health.
- Author:Theresa Bonopartis
- Publication Year: 2000
- Item Type: Leaflet, 4 pg.
- Item Number: 0001-BON
- Price: 40¢ each; 10-49 copies, 30¢ each; 50+ copies, 25¢ each. Bulk discounts available.
Post-Abortion Mini-Posters
- Posters containing various quotations from women who have undergone abortions. Ideal for college campuses.
- Author:Project Rachel
- Publication Year: 2000
- Item Type: 11" x 12" poster
- Price: Price: 75¢ each; 10-24 copies, 65¢ each; 25+ copies, 55¢ each.
- Item Number:
0126. Beth: "I let you convince me there was nothing good about having the baby."- 0127. Margo: "It has burned a hole in my soul and changed me forever."
- 0128. Cathi: "Not one day goes by that I don't think of my baby boy."
- 0129. Margo (Eyes): "It has burned a hole in my soul and changed me forever."
Project Rachel Kit
- Includes one of each of the mini-posters (Beth, Margo, Cathi, and Margo/eyes), two "How to Talk to A Friend Who's Had an Abortion" brochures and a newspaper Ad-slick.
- Author:Project Rachel
- Publication Year: 2000
- Item Type: 4 - 11" x 12" posters, 2 Tri-fold pamphlets, 1 Ad-slick
- Item Number: 0124
- Price: $5.95 each
Something Inside Dies After an Abortion Poster
- Photo of a woman's haunted eyes illustrate the message: "It has burned a hole in my soul and changed me forever. Margo." The tag line reads, "If you're suffering because of an abortion, don't suffer alone."
- Author:Project Rachel
- Publication Year: 2000
- Item Type: 22" x 17" poster
- Item Number: 0020; en español 0021
- Price: $2.00 each; 10+ copies, $1.75 each
Something Inside Dies After an Abortion Bumper Sticker
- Photo of a woman's haunted eyes illustrate the message: "Something Inside Dies After an Abortion"
- Author:Project Rachel
- Publication Year: 2000
- Item Type: 22" x 17" poster
- Item Number: 0018
- Price: $1.00 each; 10-49 copies, 90¢ each; 50+ copies, 75¢ each
How to Talk to a Friend Who's Had an Abortion- Adult Version
- Have you ever had a friend or relative who's had an abortion? Do you want to help her, but don't know how? This pamphlet will help you lead her on a path to hope and healing. Suitable for campuses, churches and other public places.
- Author:Ellen Curro, M.Ed. and NCCB Secretariat for Pro-Life Activities
- Publication Year: 2000
- Item Type: Pamphlet, 4 panels
- Item Number: 0016; en español 0017
- Price: 25¢ each; $20/100; $180/1,000
Trust in God's Mercy
- Post-confession prayer card to help women accept that God truly has forgiven their sin of abortion.
- Author:NCCB Secretariat for Pro-Life Activities
- Publication Year: 1999
- Item Type: Prayer Card
- Item Number: 9913; en español 9914
- Price: $10/100; $90/1,000
- An in-depth article focusing on the psychological, emotional and spiritual aftermath of abortion.
- Author:Sr. Paula Vandegaer, L.C.S.W.
- Publication Year: 1999
- Item Type: Leaflet, 4 pg.
- Item Number: 9901-VAN
- Price: 40¢ each; 10-49 copies, 30¢ each; 50+ copies, 25¢ each. Bulk discounts available.
Neither Do I Condemn You
- How each of us can be a catalyst for bringing God's forgiveness and healing to those wounded by abortion.
- Author:Secretariat for Pro-Life Activities
- Publication Year: 1999
- Item Type: Leaflet, 2 pg.
- Item Number: 9906; en español 9907
- Price: 1-99 copies, 7¢ each; 100-1000 copies, 6¢ each.
Prayer for Healing
- Prayer to ask God to forgive, heal and grant peace to mothers who have lost a child to abortion.
- Author:NCCB Secretariat for Pro-Life Activities
- Publication Year: 1999
- Item Type: Prayer Card
- Item Number: 9911; en español 9912
- Price: $10/100; $90/1,000
Post Abortion Ministry: A Resource Manual for Priests
- Assists priests in their ministry to those suffering abortion's aftermath.
- Author:USSCB Secretariats for Priestly Life and Ministry & Pro-Life Activities
- Publication Year: 1999
- Item Type: Spiral Bound Booklet, 25 pg. & Audiocassette, 54 min.
- Item Number: 9916
- Price: $9.50 each
Purchase the pieces separately:
- Resource Manual with Pinholes
- Item Number: 9928
- Price: $1.75 each
Resource Manual without Pinholes- Item Number: 9929
Hope/Healing Newspaper- Item Number: 9930
- Price: 12¢ each
Post-Abortion Audiocassette- Item Number: 9931
- Price: $2.50 each
Post-Abortion Binder- Item Number: 9932
- Price: $1.45 each
- A sympathetic message conveyed through the author from the Holy Father, recognizing several pressures put on a woman to have an abortion, and a path to healing and forgiveness after the abortion.
- Author:E. Joanne Angelo, M.D.
- Publication Year: 1997
- Item Type: Leaflet, 4 pg.
- Item Number: 9701-ANG
- Price: 40¢ each; 10-49 copies, 30¢ each; 50+ copies, 25¢ each. Bulk discounts available.
Olivia's Story
- A young woman's abortion experience. Reviews Supreme Court abortion decisions and includes a photo essay on the unborn child.
- Author:Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities
- Publication Year: 1986
- Item Type: Tri-fold pamphlet
- Item Number: 8603
- Price: 1-99 copies, 7¢ each; 100-1000 copies, 6¢ each.