Open your hearts to life!
The Respect Life Program begins anew each year on Respect Life Sunday, the first Sunday in October. The program is highlighted in liturgies and marked by special events. The USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities publishes a program packet each year to call attention to numerous human life issues. These materials are especially helpful for priests, parish groups and other organizations.
Click around to find more information, order Respect Life Program packets, single or grouped items, or find clip art, free bulletin inserts and more information for your parish.
Respect Life Sunday Statement
Respect Life Program Materials
Pamphlets & Bulletin Inserts
This year, we are proud to announce 7-full colored pamphlets in both English and Spanish.
- Our Obligation to Protect Religious Freedom
- Domestic Violence
- Roe Plus 40
- Explaining the Reality of Marriage to Family and Friends
- A Catholic Response to the Death Penalty
- Forgiveness and Healing After Abortion
- Pregnancy from Rape
Parishes, schools and the press may use these articles for free with attribution to the USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities. The bulletin insert text may be copied and pasted, with attribution, into other resources to fit your local format.
Liturgy Guide
The liturgy guide, available in both English and Spanish, includes homily notes and intercessory prayers for Respect Life Sunday and January 22, 2014, excerpts from the new "Mass for Giving Thanks to God for the Gift of Human Life" (and reflections on the Mass), excerpts from the new "Rite for the Blessing of a Child in the Womb," orders for the blessing of pro-life pilgrims and missionaries, and a prayer service for our nation in light of 40 years of abortion and for the healing of all those involved in abortion. (Microsoft Word version: English, en español)
These colorful and joyful posters are available to download in both English and Spanish.
The flyers, available to download in English and Spanish, provide a short overview of the different topics addressed in the Respect Life Program.
Our 14-page catalog lists all the pro-life publications & resources available to order through the Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities.
Youth Article & Word Puzzle
A reflection on Pope Francis' witness and challenge to all young people at the 2013 World Youth Day in a word puzzle.
Prayer Initiatives
bishops are urging an intensification of prayer and fasting for religious
freedom in our beloved country. Resources are provided to help the faithful learn more about our faith and join in prayer together.
Call to Prayer
Holy Hour for Life and Liberty