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On Embryonic Stem Cell Research
- This pamphlet provides insight about stem cell research based on the teachings of the Catholic Church.
- Author: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
- Publication Year: 2008
- Item Type: Multi-panel pamphlet
- Item Number: 0874
- Price: 1-249 copies, 48¢ each; 250+ copies, 46¢ each. Bulk discounts available.
Stem Cells and Hope for Patients
- Neurobiology researcher, Dr. Condic, explains why the real hope for cures lies in adult stem cell research, not research that kills human embryos.
- Author: Maureen Condic, Ph.D.
- Publication Year: 2008
- Item Type: Multi-panel pamphlet
- Item Number: 0841
- Price: 40¢ each; 10-49 copies, 30¢ each; 50+ copies, 25¢ each. Bulk discounts available.
Stem Cell Research and Human Cloning: Questions and Answers
- Easy-to-read parish bulletin insert provides clear information on the Catholic Church's position on stem cell research and human cloning.
- Author: Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities
- Publication Year: 2004, revised 2008
- Item Type: Bulletin insert, 1 pg.
- Item Number: 0470
- Price: $10/100
Stem Cell Research DVD
- Is there an ethical way to benefit from stem cell research without harming life? This new DVD offers a clear overview of the key scientific and ethical issues involved.
- Author: Saint Max Worldwide
- Publication Year: 2008
- Item Type:15 minute DVD
- Item Number: 0875
- Price: $9.95 each
The Ethics of Stem Cell Research
- The author examines the moral/scientific status of adult stem cell research compared to embryonic stem cell research.
- Author: Rev. Tadeusz Pacholczyk, Ph.D.
- Publication Year: 2006
- Item Type: Tri-fold pamphlet
- Item Number: 0641
- Price: 40¢ each; 10-49 copies, 30¢ each; 50+ copies, 25¢ each. Bulk discounts available.
The Case Against Funding Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research
- Addresses scientific and medical claims being used to press for embryonic stem cell research, and points to the more scientifically promising and ethically acceptable line of research based on adult stem cells.
- Author:Anton-Lewis Usala, M.D.
- Publication Year: 2001
- Item Type: Leaflet, 4 pg.
- Item Number: 0101-USA
- Price: 40¢ each; 10-49 copies, 30¢ each; 50+ copies, 25¢ each. Bulk discounts available.
False Freedom and the Culture of Death
- Examines the false notions of freedom underlying moves to legalize assisted suicide and fetal research using embryonic stem cells.
- Author:Richard Doerflinger
- Publication Year: 2000
- Item Type: Leaflet, 4 pg.
- Item Number: 0001-DOE
- Price: 40¢ each; 10-49 copies, 30¢ each; 50+ copies, 25¢ each. Bulk discounts available.
When Human Life Begins: A Catholic Perspective
- Demonstrates that science and the Church are "in sync," both teaching that human life beings at fertilization. Also shows that the rationale for embryo research advanced by the NIH Human Embryo Research Panel requires abandoning the concept of inherent human dignity and denying God.
- Author:Richard Doerflinger
- Publication Year: 1995
- Item Type: Leaflet, 4 pg.
- Item Number: 9501-DOE
- Price: 40¢ each; 10-49 copies, 30¢ each; 50+ copies, 25¢ each. Bulk discounts available.
Instruction on Respect for Human Life in Its Origin and on the Dignity of Procreation (Donum Vitae)
- Addresses Church teaching on the respect for and dignity of human life as it applies to biomedical research and technology.
- Author:Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
- Publication Year: 1987
- Item Type: Booklet, 45 pg.
- Item Number: 8708
- Price: $4.95 each