Missionary Disciples - NDC Worksheets CoverNational Directory for Catechesis Worksheets

The worksheets provide an assortment of assessment instruments to determine preparation and formation of those already engaged in various ministries of evangelization and catechesis on the parish level.


Catechesis is the act of handing on the Word of God

Catechesis is the act of handing on the Word of God intended to inform the faith community and candidates for initiation into the Church about the teachings of Christ, transmitted by the Apostles to the Church.

Catechesis also involves the lifelong effort of forming people into witnesses to Christ and opening their hearts to the spiritual transformation given by the Holy Spirit. 

A catechism is the name given to a written work that contains a summary of all the beliefs of the faith that is used as a teaching tool.

The Secretariat of Evangelization and Catechesis provides a variety of resources for the formation and ongoing education of catechists and catechetical leaders that can be found in this section of our Web site.

Bishops' Statements

In Support of Catechetical Ministry


Catechism of the Catholic Church
United States Catholic Catechism for Adults

Evangelization and Catechesis Committee Documents

Catechetical Formation in Chaste Living
High School Curriculum Framework
High School Curriculum Framework - Adaptation
Sacramental Catechesis
Preaching and Teaching About the Sacraments

Evangelization and Catechesis Committee Initiatives

Leadership Institute
Catechetical Sunday