Respect Life Action Guide: Father's Day

Fatherhood has its origins in God, who chose to reveal Himself to us as Our Father, sending his only Son for the sake of our salvation. Fathers therefore have a special role “in revealing and in reliving on earth the very fatherhood of God” (Familiaris consortio 25). Father’s Day is an appropriate time to recall the essential role of fathers in the life of the family and in building a culture of life. It is also an opportunity to highlight spiritual fatherhood, which all men are called to embrace.
This Respect Life action guide for Father's Day contains the following components:
- Introduction
- Simple Steps
- Sample Timeline
- Sample Bulletin and Pulpit Announcements
- Intercessions
- Homily Considerations
- Sample Activity (with a modified option for using at home)
(English, Word) Full Father's Day Action Guide