NFP—The Lived Experience
Listen and watch videos of married couples speaking about practicing the healthy, freeing, and God-centered NFP lifestyle!
Select Videos
Introductions to NFP
NFP: The Natural Choice for Family Planning
This five-minute introduction to NFP features several couples sharing their insights about learning and living the NFP lifestyle. It is produced by the Archdiocese of St. Louis' Office of NFP Ministry.
Why Natural Family Planning? Series
In this series of five NFP witness videos by the Archdiocese of Baltimore, Archbishop Lori reflects on the 50th anniversary of the papal encyclical Humanae vitae, and three married women, an engaged woman, and a husband talk about their experience with NFP-- particularly about practicing one of the various methods of NFP (Sympto-Thermal Method, Sympo-Hormonal Method, and Cervical Mucus Method, also known as the Ovulation Method.) Please be advised that it is important to learn a method of NFP from a certified teacher in the method of your choice.
Couples' Stories and Insights
Adam & Nicole Schaefer
Listen to the testimony of this couple from the Archdiocese of Dubuque. They emphasize the importance of learing NFP and trying it before setting it aside. They discuss how they came to understand that they needed to follow God's plan for their marriage.
Alice & Jeff
Spouses, parents and now grandparents, Alice and Jeff Heinzen are long-time NFP teachers who have experienced the fruits of living according to God's plan for married love. During the 2014 Extraordinary Synod on the Family held at the Vatican, the Heinzens were asked to reflect upon Church teaching on NFP.
Ashley & Jeff Keen
This couple from the Archdiocese of Dubuque discuss how using a method of NFP helped them conceive a child. They also note how using NFP helped them to identify a medical problem in the wife's reproductive health.
Bobby and Jackie are a married couple who have filmed a series of great down to earth videos on chastity, using NFP (e.g., how to live periodic abstinence, etc.), and dating for Ascension Presents which is a pastoral educational series from Ascension Press. Here is a sample,
- Why we Love NFP
- Why we Hate NFP
- Chastity Advice the Really Works
- How Far is Too Far Before Marriage
- How Catholics Should Date
Brian and Tricia
One of seven video testimonials about NFP from the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, this video features spouses Brian and Tricia Borg who discuss the benefits of NFP on their marriage, physical health, and faith life. To view the other video testimonials, please visit this link.
The Diocese of Springfield, IL
Several NFP couples of various ages to talk about their experiences living the NFP lifestyle. The witness stories touch upon sacrifice, benefits for the couple's growth in emotional maturity, and health concerns.
Hidden Blessings, Part 1; Part 2
Four couples from the Diocese of Rochester provide candid, in-home, unscripted witness of how they turned to NFP. Their stories stress NFP science and the spouses' mutual growth in faith.
Kathryn Whitaker
In this video Kathryn, also a Catholic blogger and author, shares her NFP conversion and offers wise words about openness to life. Kathryn's witness can be a real help to couples who are discerning children in their marriage. She and her husband Scott have six children.
Keith & Michele
A husband and wife discuss their NFP experience and include a brief reflection on difficulties in achieving pregnancy.
Kelly & Dominic
This husband and wife discuss how NFP has empowered them and transformed their marriage.
Mike & Leah
This married couple discuss their commitment to faith while striving to live the NFP lifestyle.
Nic & Carolyn
In this short video, spouses Nic and Carolyn reflect on their journey with NFP, infertility and NaPro Technology. They discuss how NaPro Technology helped them conceive after struggling with infertility.
Todd & Julie
This married couple provides an honest and inspiring story about how they embraced the NFP lifestyle.
Healthcare Professionals
The Decision
In this short video by Couple to Couple League (a national NFP provider organization that teaches the Sympto-Thermal Method, or STM), learn about the moving testimony of an Ob/Gyn whose life and practice was changed after reading the papal encyclical, Humanae Vitae.
Danielle Koestner, DO
Family practice physician, Danielle Koestner, DO, with a specialty in women's health and reproductive endocrinology, tells her dynamic story about her journey to accept Church teacing about birth control and her decision to provide NFP only in her practice.
Karen Poehailos, MD
Dr. Poehailos is a family medicine physician with specialized training in several methods of Natural Family Planning (a Sympto-Thermal Method, Creighton Model FertilityCare, and FEMM). In this video Dr. Poehailos tells her story about how she realized that contraception was not good for her patients and that the Church's teachings about NFP were not only true, but good for her patients.
Videos en Español
José Alfredo y Mimi
José Alfredo y Mimi de Minneapolis, Minnesota nos comparten su testimonio sobre la bendición que ha sido practicar la Planificación Natural de la Familia en su matrimonio.
Vive el amor
La Liga de Pareja a Pareja (o el Couple to Couple League en inglés) es una de las organizaciones en los Estados Unidos que enseña el método de PFN llamada el Método Sintotérmico (MST, o STM en inglés). La Liga de Pareja a Pareja produjo este video del impacto practicar la PFN puede tener en las vidas y en el matrimonio de una pareja.
See the Diocese of Phoenix's website for more videos featuring Spanish speaking couples witnessing about living God's plan for married love and life and providing basic information about the methods of NFP.