Natural Family Planning

NFP Pioneers

  • CCL Formed in the Aftermath of Humane Vitae John F. Kippley, Natural Family Planning: Diocesan Activity Report, 1993. The Couple to Couple League, which today has found great success, traces its roots back to Humanae Vitae with passionate and hardworking individuals.
  • NFP Scientist: "A Life Time of Service, Edward F. Keefe, MD" Edward F. Keefe, M.D. with Theresa Notare, Natural Family Planning: Diocesan Activity Report, 1993. In an effort to aid couples striving to live within Church teaching, Dr. Edward F. Keefe shares his story of women's health and his journey in the medical field.
  • The Billings Ovulation Method in the United States, Hanna Klaus, MD Natural Family Planning: Diocesan Activity Report, 1992. Hanna Klaus shares the early beginnings of the Billings Ovulation Method, beginning in Australia and reaching the United States.

    The first executive director of Billings Ovulation Method Association in the USA (BOMA-USA) is Sr. Hanna Klaus, MD. This episode of NFP Conversations features Dr. Klaus discussing her life's work in NFP and chastity education.

    Detailed oral history of Dr. Klaus conducted by a Baylor University researcher (2005).

    Sue Ek is the third executive director of BOMA-USA. This detailed oral history of Ms. Ek was conducted by a Baylor University researcher (2005).
  • The International Federation for Family Life Promotion Claude Lanctot, MD, Natural Family Planning: Diocesan Activity Report, 1994. Claude Lanctot shares the incredible journey of willing individuals and worthy goals that led to the International Federation for Family Life Promotion, eventually serving over 75 countries.
  • The Story of The Family of The Americas Natural Family Planning: Diocesan Activity Report, 1992. With a deep desire to share vital health information with women worldwide, Mercedes Wilson began the Family of the Americas Foundation offering various programs in over 100 countries.
  • The Story of Northwest Family Services Beth Wells, Natural Family Planning: Diocesan Activity Report, 1993. Beth Wells shares the grace-filled history of Northwest Family Services and the couples and priests who courageously played vital roles.
  • The Story of The St. Pope Paul VI Institute for The Study of Human Reproduction . Judy Pittack, Natural Family Planning: Diocesan Activity Report, 1992. NB: Please scroll to page 2.

    Dr. Thomas Hilgers, MD is the founder and pioneer who developed the Creighton Model FertilityCare method of NFP. Dr. Hilgers also developed the ethical woman's healthcare called NaProTechnology. These videos feature Dr. Hilgers discussing his life's work:
    2017, EWTN, interview on the "At Home with Jim and Joy" show
    2014, EWTN, interview on "The World Over," discussion of NaProTechnology
  • Human Life and NFP Foundation Larry Kane, Natural Family Planning: Diocesan Activity Report, 1994. Larry Kane details the valiant efforts of Bishop McHugh and others in the early years of the NFP Foundation.

    Oral history of Larry Kane conducted by a researcher at Baylor University (2005).
  • Marquette Method--A Sympto-Hornomal Approach to NFP
    Read an article about the need for a Sympto-Hormonal method of NFP and the founding of the Marquette Method by Richard J. Fehring, PhD, RN and colleagues.

    View an interview with Dr. Fehring, the founder of the Marquette Model about its history and development in this episode of NFP Conversations.
  • NFP Teacher Training and Service Development Efforts 1974-1985 Mary Catherine Martin, RN, PhD, Natural Family Planning: Diocesan Activity Report, 1995. Mary Catherine Martin details the passion and motivation that led her on the journey into and through the NFP movement.
  • Fr. Paul Marx, OSB, the heroic Pro-Life leader was a champion of the promoting the Church's teaching on married love and the gift of life. When he learned about NFP, he became a strong advocate. This oral history was conducted by a Baylor University researcher (2003).

The International Review of Natural Family Planning (1977-1988)

The following classic articles are posted with the permission of the editors of the IRNFP.

  • Legal Aspects of Compulsory Sterilization in America Michael A. Vaccari, JD, Fordham Law School graduate, details several significant United States Supreme Court cases. Vaccari specifically highlights the discussion regarding compulsory sterilization, the right to privacy, and the violation of the Fourteenth Amendment.
  • Natural Family Planning: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow Doctors John and Evelyn Billings, founders of the Billings Ovulation Method. This article describes how the Billings discovered and developed this method of NFP. 
  • Pathfinders 2: Wilhelm Hillebrand, First Teacher of the Sympto-Thermic Method Through personal letters from Fr. Hillebrand, Dr. Vollman shares the methods and opinions of this German priest with medical roots. Fr. Hillebrand first learned of this natural method of family planning in 1933 and took it upon himself to personally investigate the methods and evaluate their effectiveness. He stresses the importance of facts and the proper support necessary to promote effective findings.

History of Family Planning

The desire, and the need to manage human fertility is part of the human experience. The methods can be moral or immoral. The motivation can be noble or base. These seemingly personal decisions have social ramifications that can help or harm society. This complex mix of factors can be seen in the history of family planning. Below are some resources that can shed light on this history.

Please be patient with us as we develop this section. 

Margaret Sanger: Founder of Modern Society Elasah Drogin, a Jewish convert, and then-president of Catholics United for Life provides an animated account of the life and work of Margaret Sanger. Throughout this account, the reader is able to clearly see the progression of Sanger's idealistic views as the daughter of a poor Irish immigrant to her radically influential submersion of eugenic birth control into the American culture. (This article is posted with the permission of the editors of the International Review of NFP.)


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