How does NFP work?
NFP instruction helps married couples learn how to observe, interpret and chart the wife's signs of fertility. This enables husband and wife to identify the fertile and infertile phases of the wife's menstrual cycle.
When husband and wife wish to attempt pregnancy, they will understand that intercourse during the fertile phase of the wife's menstrual cycle will likely result in pregnancy. When wishing to postpone a pregnancy, husband and wife would abstain from sexual intercourse and any genital contact during the fertile time. No artificial methods are used during the fertile time.
NFP is unique among methods of family planning because it enables its users to work with the body rather than against it.Fertility is viewed as a gift and a reality to live, not a problem to be solved. The methods of Natural Family Planning respect God's design for married love!
NFP represents a unique approach to responsible parenthood because it
- calls for shared responsibility by husband and wife
- is based on scientific research about the signs of fertility
- treats each menstrual cycle as unique
- teaches husband and wife to daily observe the signs of fertility
- has no harmful side effects
- maximizes the possibility of achieving pregnancy when intercourse takes place during the fertile phase of the wife's menstrual cycle
- is effective for postponing pregnancy when intercourse takes place during the infertile phase of the wife's menstrual cycle
- respects the unitive and procreative nature of conjugal love