Some of the many resources available on this issue are listed below. You may also use the Buscaearch feature to find other material. Please contact us, using the link on the far upper right corner of this page, if you need further information.
- Pain Relief Promotion Act: Gail Quinn, Letter to the Senate
- Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia: Beyond Terminal Illness
- Assisted Suicide Lawsin Oregon and Washington: What Safeguards?
- Assisted Suicide Videos
- Assisted Suicide: What is at Stake?
- Beyond Terminal Illness
- Bishop Matano on Assisted Suicide in Vermont
- Bishops Approve Items on Marriage, Reproductive Technologies, Medically Assisted Nutrition And Hydration
- Bishops' Official Criticizes 9th Circuit Approval of Assisted Suicide in Oregon
- Bishops' Statement: To Live Each Day
- Caring for Grandma Helen
- Cdl Dolan's Ltr for Sense of Congress against Assisted Suicide
- Ethical, Legal and Social Issues of Assisted Suicide: Testimony to Congress of Cardinal Law 1997
- Euthanasia
- Euthanasia Statement
- From Voluntary to Involuntary
- Guidelines for Legislation on Life-Sustaining Treatment
- Human Dignity in the 'Vegetative' State
- In Newsday Op-Ed, Bishops' Official Says Terri Schiavo Deserves Nourishment and Care, March 24, 2005
- Letter to the Senate on the Pain Relief Promotion Act
- Moral Principles Concerning Infants with Anencephaly
- Naumann and Coakley Letter to House on H.Con.Res. 79
- News Release: Bishops' Official Applauds Justice Department Appeal of Oregon Assisted Suicide Case
- News Release: Bishops' Official Thanks Congress and President for Giving Terri Schiavhance to Live
- News Release: Cardinal Keeler Mourns Tragic Death of Terri Schiavo March 31, 2005
- News Release: Cardinal Keeler Says Terri Schiavo Deserves Basic Care
- On Lethal Drug Abuse Prevention Act
- Physician-Assisted Suicide: Threat to Improved Palliative Care
- Pope's Speech is About Human Dignity
- Prayer Resources
- Q&A on Nutrition and Hydration for Patients iVegetative State"
- Seeing People as God sees Them
- Statement on Uniform Rights of the Terminally Ill Act
- Suicide and Assisted Suicide The Role of Depression
- Suicide and Assisted Suicide: The Role of Depression
- Suicide Palliative Care
- Terri Schiavo and the Echoes of Abortion
- Testimony on Pain Relief Promotion Act of 2000
- The Life You Save May Be Your Own
- The Price of Life
- The U.S. Supreme Court's 1997 Decisions on Assisted Suicide
- To Live Each Day with Dignity
- To Live Each Day with Dignity with Links
- Top Reasons to Oppose Assisted Suicide
- Treatment of Infants Born with Handicapping Conditions, Bryce 1982
- U.S. Supreme Court Ruling on Assisted Suicide
- Urgently Needed Legislation on the Pain Relief Promotion Act
- Urging Senate Support of the Pain Relief Promotion Act
- Using "States' Rights" to Do Wrong
- Vivir dignamente cada día
- Webinar PowerPoint