How Can You Promote Respect for Life Year-Round?

Read the articles below to inform yourself on issues pertaining to respect for all human life.

Then, share the articles, mini-posters & flyers, and social media graphics (all found on this page) with your family, friends, and parish or community leaders!

These and other resources from our catalog are available to order by calling toll-free 866-582-0943.

Each of Us is a Masterpiece of God's Creation!

The Respect Life Program begins anew each year on Respect Life Sunday, the first Sunday in October. The program is highlighted in liturgies and marked by special events. The USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities publishes a program packet each year to call attention to numerous human life issues. These materials are especially helpful for priests, parish groups, schools, and other organizations.

Browse to find more information, order Respect Life Program packets, single or grouped items, or find free bulletin inserts and more for your pro-life outreach.

2014-15 Respect Life Program Materials


The 2014-15 Respect Life Program features a set of six articles, which use quotes, anecdotes and stories to highlight the reverence and respect that is due to each person, while addressing a variety of topics.

All 6 articles are available in both English and Spanish, and are accessible in multiple formats:

To order any of the articles, please call toll-free 1-866-582-0943.

The text of these articles may be reproduced in whole or in part without alteration or change by Catholic dioceses, parishes, schools, organizations, and newspapers without further permission, provided such reprints include the following notice: Reprinted (excerpted) from Respect Life Program, Copyright © 2014, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, D.C. All rights reserved.

Posters & Flyers

thumbnails 2014 respect life productsThe 2014-15 Respect Life Program includes three 11" x 8.5" "mini-posters," which are available to download in both English  and Spanish.

The flyer, printed with English and Spanish on reverse sides, provides a short exploration of the theme for this year's Respect Life Program.

Liturgical Resources

42nd Anniversary of Roe v. Wade

Respect Life Month


Graphics and Images



Our 16-page catalog lists other pro-life publications & resources available to order through the Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities.


Past Respect Life Program Materials

Order Respect Life Program Materials!

Current and past Respect Life Program materials can by ordered at USCCB Publishing or by calling toll-free 866-582-0943.