
Graphics: No Taxpayer Abortion

Year Published
  • 2021
  • English

It is critically important to send a strong message to Congress against taxpayer-funded abortion. When we offer a woman a free abortion instead of the resources she needs to care for her baby, it is not “choice,” but coercion. 

Use these graphics to encourage people to contact their Members of Congress.

More info:

(English, PNG) Tax dollars should support women -- not abandon them to despair.
(English, PNG) Taxpayer-funded abortion fails women.
(English, PNG) Women deserve real support.
(English, PNG) She wants help and support -- not a free abortion.
(Spanish, PNG) Tax dollars should support women -- not abandon them to despair.
(Spanish, PNG) Taxpayer-funded abortion fails women.
(Spanish, PNG) Women deserve real support.
(Spanish, PNG) She wants help and support -- not a free abortion.