The Diocesan NFP coordinator is appointed by the bishop and is responsible for the administration and development of NFP ministry.

The diocesan NFP coordinator strives to maintain a lifestyle consistent with Catholic moral teaching and uses and/or philosophically accepts NFP.

(See Standards for Diocesan NFP Ministry, Section I)

The NFP coordinator understands and promotes Catholic teaching on human sexuality, the virtue of chastity, marriage, conjugal love and responsible parenthood, the value of children, and the methods of Natural Family Planning in the diocese.

In most dioceses, the NFP coordinator is the director of Marriage and Family Life Ministry and even sometimes oversees several other ministries. Although the details of the NFP coordinator's responsibilities may vary from diocese to diocese, the following tasks are commonly held:

  • Implementation of NFP program goals and objectives
  • Coordination of NFP services throughout the diocese
  • Provision of a format for NFP education in marriage preparation programs
  • Recruitment of NFP teachers
  • Support of diocesan NFP teachers (who may be trained in various methods)
  • Fostering respect and promoting cooperation among the differently trained NFP teachers
    (See Standards for Diocesan NFP Ministry, Section I, D.4)

As the NFP administrator in the diocese, the NFP coordinator has a working relationship with the USCCB's NFP Program and the national NFP providers. As a member of the diocesan staff, the NFP coordinator is able to promote the growth of NFP ministry through collaboration with appropriate co-workers in various departments.

To learn more about diocesan NFP ministry and the role of the diocesan NFP coordinator, see Section I in the Standards for Diocesan NFP Ministry.

Watch a video featuring the USCCB's NFP Program Assistant Director, Theresa Notare, PhD speak about the characteristics that she has seen in diocesan NFP leaders over the years. This reflection was presented at the 2018 symposium celebrating the 50th anniversary of Humanae vitae. Entitled, Humanae Vitae, 50 Years Later, Embracing God's Vision for Marriage, Love and Life, A Compendium, the book is available from The Catholic University of America Press (2019). Orders, 1-800-537-5487.



Below are a variety of resources provided to assist the Diocesan NFP Coordinator in strengthening diocesan NFP ministry. For additional help or to offer suggestions for new resources, contact:; 202-541-3240.


NFP Office Hours

This monthly series features discussions with a content expert and diocesan NFP leaders.
The topics include NFP ministry, programming, methodology, science, and related subjects.

Coordinator's Corner

This page offers insights and inspiration from diocesan NFP coordinators (past and present).

National Diocesan NFP Survey (Profile)

This annual survey is conducted by the USCCB's NFP Program.
The Profile provides a picture of diocesan NFP ministry in the USA
and facilitates an annual program evaluation.


NFP Program Topics and Resources

This page provides a variety of topics of interest regarding diocesan NFP programming,
including requiring a complete course of NFP in marriage preparation.


Standards for Diocesan NFP Ministry

These standards set the requirements for quality diocesan NFP ministry.


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