This directory provides basic information on services provided by Natural Family Planning teacher training programs in the United States. NFP methods are compatible with the teachings of the Catholic Church because they respect the unitive and procreative nature of conjugal relations. In the words of St. John Paul II,
NFP methods are “a valuable help to responsible parenthood, in which all individuals, and in the first place the child, are recognized and respected in their own right and where every decision is guided by the ideal of the sincere gift of self” (Evangelium vitae, 88).
Natural Family Planning teacher training programs may be local, regional, or national. Each program has its unique history with founders and pioneers that include both clergy and laity. Each of the schools included in this directory offers standardized curricula. All provide objective evaluations of the trainees’ knowledge and teaching skills. Most have some form of supervised practicum whereby the teacher candidate is directed and observed while they teach new clients. Most have implemented the Standards for Diocesan NFP Ministry (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops) and are part of that national system of accountability. All provide education in authentic NFP. For additional information, please contact the programs directly.
Billings Ovulation Method® (BOM)
Approximately at the time of a woman’s ovulation, a type of mucus is secreted by the cervix. This primary sign of fertility indicates when a woman is potentially fertile. The woman’s observation by sensation of her cervical mucus is the basis of the Billings Ovulation Method® (BOM).
Doctors John and Evelyn Billings (Australia) are the founders of the BOM. The Billings first called their method the “Ovulation Method” or “OM.” In the 1970s the World Health Organization attached the name “Billings” to indicate the authentic OM created by the Billings.
The Billings Ovulation Method® (BOM) is the official title of the method. Due to the early work of the Billings in training teachers world-wide. The term “Ovulation Method” or “OM” has become an umbrella term for many cervical mucus methods.
The BOM requires the married couple to follow the method guidelines established by the Billings. Among other things, this means placing an emphasis on the woman’s “sensation” of cervical mucus as a primary way to observe cervical mucus.
Cervical Mucus Methods (CMM) or “Ovulation Method” (OM)
Approximately at the time of a woman’s ovulation, a type of mucus is secreted by the cervix. This primary sign of fertility indicates when a woman is potentially fertile. The woman’s correct observation of her cervical mucus is the basis of all cervical mucus methods (CMM). Due to the early work of the Billings in training teachers world-wide, the term “Ovulation Method” or “OM” has been used to indicate a cervical mucus method. With the growth of certain cervical mucus method providers in the United States, the name of the provider or the provider's trademark name is now commonly used (e.g., Creighton Model FertilityCare method).
All CMMs are reliant on the extensive research and influence of Drs. John and Evelyn Billings. The variety of cervical mucus methods rests on the differences in approach to the observation of cervical mucus (e.g., sensation, sight, and/or touch). The guidelines for interpretation of cervical mucus vary per CM method approach.
Natural Family Planning
“Natural Family Planning” is the umbrella term for those methods for achieving and avoiding pregnancy that are based on the observation of the naturally occurring signs and symptoms of the fertile and infertile phases of the woman’s menstrual cycle. Couples using Natural Family Planning methods to avoid pregnancy, abstain from sexual intercourse and genital contact during the fertile phase of the woman’s cycle. No drugs, devices, or surgical procedures are used to avoid pregnancy.
The methods of Natural Family Planning reflect the dignity of the human person within the context of marriage and family life, promotes openness to life and the value of the child. By complementing the love-giving and life-giving nature of marriage, NFP can enrich the bond between husband and wife (Standards for Diocesan NFP Ministry, 2010).
Standards for Diocesan NFP Ministry - Approved
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has Standards for Diocesan NFP Ministry (Standards). The Standards articulate the basic requirements for quality diocesan NFP services in the areas of: program structure and activities; client curriculum; nature and role of the diocesan teacher; and components of the NFP teacher training program.
An NFP teacher training program can freely elect to implement the Standards by submitting for review and evaluation, documentation to the USCCB's NFP Program. Upon successfully meeting the Standards, the award given to the NFP teacher training program is called "Approval." A teacher training program that meets the Standards is "Approved" according to the Standards.
Diocesan NFP programs that have implemented the Standards are required to use only NFP teacher training programs that meet the Standards and have achieved Approval. This directory indicates which NFP teacher training programs have been evaluated and meet the Standards.
Read the Standards for Diocesan NFP Ministry.
Sympto-Hormonal Method (SHM)
A multi-indexed method of NFP, the Sympto-Hormonal Method (SHM) makes use of an electronic hand-held hormonal monitor in addition to the sign of cervical mucus, to teach a woman how to observe and interpret her fertility.
The fertility monitor detects two reproductive hormones in the woman's urine and provides information on three levels of fertility, i.e., low, high, and peak. The observation and charting of cervical mucus is used as a double-check of the monitor's readings. This method was developed at Marquette University College of Nursing's Institute for NFP (Milwaukee, WI).
Sympto-Thermal Methods (STM)
Sympto-Thermal methods are multi-indexed methods of NFP. A woman is taught to observe her multiple signs of fertility.
ST methods teach a woman to observe her primary signs of fertility (cervical mucus, basal body temperature, and cervical changes). The secondary signs of fertility (breast tenderness, back pain, etc.) are also taught. Among STM providers, variations exist in some rules, charting two or more of the primary signs of fertility, as well as differences in chart symbols. Despite the variations, all refer to the multi-indexed methods as "STM." In the United States, two STM programs now use either the provider's name to indicate the method (e.g., CCL) or the trademark method name (e.g., SymptoPro by Northwest Family Services).
Annotated Directory
Billings Ovulation Method®
At a Glance...
- NFP Method: Billings Ovulation Method® (BOM)
- Standards for Diocesan NFP Ministry - Approved
- In-person, Remote Training and Correspondence Course available in English and Spanish
- Multi-languages are available through WOOMB-international
- Will travel to train teachers
Note: BOMA-USA is the United States Affiliate of WOOMB-International, providing training, webinars, health professionals series, and materials in the official Billings Ovulation Method®. It offers the only approved Billings Ovulation Method Teacher Training Program in the United States according to WOOMB-International standards (World Organization Ovulation Method Billings). The Teacher Training Program is also approved to give continuing education credits to physicians and nurses (CMEs/CNEs).
P.O. Box 2135
St. Cloud, MN 56302
(651) 699-8139
E-mail: or
Spanish correspondence:
A. Instruction Time
40 contact hours.
B. Teaching Format
Prior to COVID-19, trainings were scheduled at various locations throughout the United States.
During the pandemic, remote trainings have become very popular and effective. The faculty is primarily comprised of BOMA trainers and occasionally includes guest presenters, particularly physicians and priests. The teaching format includes lecture, independent study, discussions, and exams. Teacher candidates must score a minimum of 90% on the final exam in order to begin supervised practicum.
The teacher candidate ideally has charted and used the Billings Ovulation Method® for at least six months prior to teacher training (some exceptions can be made). If unable to do so the candidate must philosophically accept the principles of BOMA-USA. Users of other NFP methodologies must chart the BOM for a minimum of three months prior to teacher training.
Couple to Couple League
At a Glance...
- NFP Method: STM
- Distance learning provided via online classes; also available via post
- Standards for Diocesan NFP Ministry - Approved
- Spanish teacher training provided
- Will travel to train teachers
P. O. Box 111184
Cincinnati, OH 45211-1184
4290 Delhi Pike
Cincinnati, OH 45238
(800) 745-8252
(513) 557-2449 FAX
Web Page:
A. Time to Complete Teacher Training
Estimated to be 35-50 hours.
Maximum flexibility is allowed for teacher candidates to proceed at their own pace.
B. Training Format
The teacher training curriculum is comprised of 30+ independent courses grouped in six web-based modules. Successful completion of training courses is based upon passing end-of-course tests, which can be retaken until a passing score is achieved. The teacher training curriculum is offered in Spanish. Courses can be accomplished in several ways. Traditional instruction is through self-paced study of downloadable courses. Toll-free teleconferences are offered periodically throughout the year for various courses. On-site teacher training (in English or Spanish) is available on a case-by-case basis by contacting the CCL Central office.
C. Practicum
A six-month mentoring program is provided to assist newly-certified teachers in gaining experience with student couples. The program includes assistance in responding to questions from clients, interpreting charts, maintaining records, and the like.
D. Certification/Re-certification
Conditional certification is awarded upon completion of the training courses, and full certification is awarded upon completion of the 6-month mentoring program.
E. Fees
CCL's teacher training program is free. No fees are charged to the candidate teaching couple for the teacher training program.
F. Publications
Three full-color course manuals are available—the main student text for the main class series as well as postpartum and perimenopause texts for separate postpartum and perimenopause classes. Family Foundations, an award-winning NFP magazine, is offered bi-monthly by subscription.
G. Miscellaneous
CCL is one of the largest NFP providers in the United States. Its NFP courses are taught by married couples who not only provide instruction in the Sympto-Thermal Method but also witness to the beauty of living marriage and sexuality as God intended. On-site client courses are offered throughout the US and can be located and registered for electronically at CCL's website: NFP client instruction is provided in three ways: on-site class instruction from a CCL teaching couple; live instruction via Internet from a CCL teaching couple; and through home study courses supervised by a personal NFP instructor and consultant. Dedicated classes and course manuals are also available for the postpartum and perimenopause transitions.
Family of the Americas Foundation
At a Glance...
- NFP Method: OM
- Standards for Diocesan NFP Ministry - Approved
- Distance learning via post
- Multi-languages provided
- Will travel to train teachers
Address to come, FAM is currently moving its headquarters
(800) 443-3395
Web Page:
A. Instruction Time
Initial instruction takes place for approximately 1 week. The practicum is provided for approximately 6-12 months.
B. Teaching Format
The Master Teacher Training Institutes ordinarily include a full week of lectures, films, workshops, question and answer sessions, independent study, and practice teaching. Upon completion of the course, students take an exam. Upon successful completion of the exam, students begin the teacher Practicum (see below). Certification is awarded upon successful completion of the Practicum.
There are three different options offered for teacher training:
- Master Teacher Training Institutes
Provided periodically at the home office in Dunkirk, MD, (usually in the Spring and/or Fall), a minimum of 6-10 teacher candidates is required for a course to be scheduled. - On-site Master Teacher Institutes are provided upon request.
- The Master Teacher Institute Correspondence Course
This format allows students to study in their own home at their own pace. Accompanying videos correspond with the 16 unit MTI Training Manual. A training guideline booklet is given with step-by-step instructions to follow the at-home study course.
C. Practicum
Each teacher candidate completes a supervised practicum. This practicum includes instruction and follow-up of a minimum of six-ten couples/clients for at least six months each. Monthly practicum forms on each client are required, as is a monthly call to the FAF office to confer with the supervisor. An on-site monitoring visit is required during the practicum.
Note: The most difficult part of the practicum is meeting the requirement of teaching clients in different reproductive circumstances (i.e. breastfeeding, coming off artificial methods, etc.). Since Family of the Americas requests that teacher candidates follow at least 6 different couples/clients for at least 3 months, the time from the beginning of the course to the final certification could take up to one year.
D. Certification/Re-certification
Certification is based on successful completion of all requirements including a 90% or higher grade on the 336-question exam. Any questions missed on the exam must be retaken in order to ensure that newly certified teachers are fully qualified. Certification must be renewed every three years. Teachers are sent updated and enrichment information and must pass the re-certification examination with a grade of 90% or higher.
E. Fees
Contact Director.
Teacher candidates who attend the institute at the Family of the Americas home office are responsible for their own transportation, food, and lodging. When the Institute is held on location (e.g., in a diocese), the host is responsible for the expenses of the FAF faculty (including transportation, food, and lodging). An honorarium is appropriate if Mercedes Wilson is requested as the primary Instructor. Teacher candidates who select the correspondence course pay for materials, shipping and handling fees of all materials. All teacher candidates must pay for client materials needed during the practicum, phone calls required to the central office, and the supervision visit.
F. Publications
Family of the Americas is known for producing innovative client texts that are designed to make the Ovulation Method accessible to couples of all cultures and educational levels. The Love and Fertility text, video or chart have been translated into more than 21 languages including English, Spanish, French, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Polish, Ukrainian, Italian, Korean, and Arabic. An interactive computer program entitled, “Charting Coach,” as well as Nature’s Method, a CD-ROM program are also available. See website for further resources:
G. Miscellaneous
A variety of teacher training aids are available in several languages. The correspondence course can be selected in English or Spanish.
FertilityCare Center of Kansas City Teacher Education Program
At a Glance...
- NFP Method: CMM (Creighton Model FertilityCare System)
- Standards for Diocesan NFP Ministry - Approved
- Will travel to train teachers
Note: Accredited by the American Academy of FertilityCare Professionals (AAFCP).
P.O. Box 343
Blue Springs, MO 64013
(816) 858-0198
FertilityCareTM Practitioner (FCP)
This 13-month program covers basic and advanced instruction for the Creighton Model FertilityCareTM System and NaProTechnology. It includes two education phases, two supervised practica, and an on-site visit. Only the educational phases are done on campus. All other educational services are provided through an innovative system of long-distance supervision and on-site visitation. No teacher training classes are offered online.
A. Instruction Time
Education Phase I: Eight-day course; Supervised Practicum I, six months.
Education Phase II: Six days of advanced teaching skills; Supervised Practicum II, seven months (includes on-site visitation by a faculty member).
B. Teaching Format
- Education Phases I and II include lecture, group, and individual study, as well as exams.
- Supervised Practica I and II are structured faculty-supervised experiences that include direct client teaching at the student’s home location.
- Final Examination: both programs include a professionally administered final examination. A grade of 75% or better is required.
- This program is based in Kansas City, MO; however, on-site programs can be arranged.
C. Practicum
- Supervised practicum I (6 months) is designed to develop basic FertilityCareTM System teaching skills.
- Supervised practicum II (7 months) is designed to develop advanced FertilityCareTM System teaching skills involving management of infertility, chronic discharges, unusual bleeding, advanced behavioral issues, pregnancy evaluations, advanced case management, etc.
D. Certification/Re-certification
Upon successful passing of the final examination, the new teacher receives a certificate of satisfactory completion. After teaching an additional 10 clients, the teacher becomes eligible to apply for professional certification by the AAFCP (see F below).
E. Fees
Contact Director.
F. American Academy of FertilityCareTM Professionals (AAFCP)
The AAFCP is the accrediting body for Creighton Model Education Programs and the certifying body for the FertilityCareTM Providers.
G. Miscellaneous
Continuing education units are available for nurses.
Marquette University College of Nursing Institute for NFP
At a Glance...
- NFP Method: SHM (Marquette Model)
- Standards for Diocesan NFP Ministry - Approved
- Distance education via online classes
- Spanish training available
Marquette University
College of Nursing
Institute for Natural Family Planning
P.O. Box 1881 Milwaukee, WI 53201-1881
(414) 288-3854
(414) 288-1939 FAX
The program prepares the healthcare provider to provide professional NFP services and to qualify for USCCB certification through an endorsed diocesan NFP program. This educational program is designed for health professionals, i.e., professional nurses (at least B.S.N. prepared), advanced practice nurses, physicians, and physician assistants. The teacher training programs involve three self-paced courses, i.e., NFP Core Theory, NFP Teacher Training, and NFP Medical Application courses. There is also a two hour Marquette Model (MM) program for learning how to provide a simplified version of the MM for women in regular menstrual cycles. Different program options are available and can be found here.
A. Instruction Time
Core Course, Teacher Training and Medical Applications: Three hours per module, with one six-hour module in the core course and teacher training option. The self-paced online courses are designed to provide student flexibility. A suggested time frame for the completion of each course is six months, after this time the student will need to request an extension and an additional fee will be charged for each six-month extension.
Core Course = 21 online credit hours (6 modules)
Teacher Training = 15 online credit hours (4 modules)
Medical Applications = 15 online credit hours (5 modules)
Marquette Model Lite = 2 online credit hours (1 module)
B. Teaching Format
Online only with discussion rooms, PowerPoint presentations, digital text, case studies; includes practice charting, multiple assignments, and a program and marketing development paper.
C. Practicum
A supervised practicum is required. Monthly meetings with the preceptor occur after the student-teacher has successfully passed his or her presentation of the Marquette Method Lite.
D. Certification
A certificate of completion is granted for the completion of each course and program.
E. Fees
Contact Director.
F. Distance Learning: Online NFP Teacher Training Program
Distance Learning: Online NFP Teacher Training Program The Marquette University College of Nursing Natural Family Planning (NFP) teacher training program is a professional online educational experience based on the Standards for Diocesan NFP Ministry, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). The program prepares the participant to provide professional NFP services and to qualify for certification through the USCCB in their home dioceses. For more information, please go to the website.
G. Miscellaneous
Student fees are available for individuals who are actively enrolled in a medical or nursing program. Please go to the website or contact for more information.
Natural Family Planning of the Diocese of Cleveland
At a Glance...
- NFP Method: STM and OM
- Standards for Diocesan Ministry - Approved
- Will travel to train teachers
Director Teresa S. Yohman
Department for Marriage and Family Ministry
Diocese of Cleveland
1404 East Ninth Street
Cleveland, OH 44114-1722
(216) 696-6525 Ext. 2322
A. Instruction
Time Instruction occurs over forty hours of classroom study, comprised of six sessions.
B. Teaching Format
On-site and virtual training includes lecture, independent study, interactive work by students, and exams.
C. Practicum
A required supervised practicum consists of a six- to nine-month period of time in which the teacher candidate instructs a minimum of six clients, supervised by authorized certified NFP instructors.
D. Certification/Re-certification
Certification lasts for a period of one year. Re-certification requires participation in an annual NFP seminar or its equivalent substitute, with the approval of the director.
E. Distance Learning
Includes modified online training: sending materials (via e-mail or postal mail) and tests to a candidate and designating a certified NFP instructor as a supervisor, who grades exams, answers questions, and serves as a practicum supervisor for a class series. This program is specially made available to the dioceses of Kalamazoo, Detroit, Youngstown, and Columbus.
F. Fees
Contact the director. Accommodations are not provided for non-local teacher candidates.
G. Miscellaneous
The Diocese of Cleveland NFP teacher training uses a locally developed syllabus and slides for both the Sympto-Thermal Method and the Ovulation Method. Students receive training in both methods but are certified in only one method at a time. Each method requires a separate certification and supervised practicum.
Northwest Family Services, Inc.
At a Glance...
- NFP Method: STM (SymptoPro Fertility Education)
- Standards for Diocesan NFP Ministry - Approved
- Distance education via online classes plus personal supervision
- Spanish language teacher training available; teacher candidate must be bilingual
- Will travel to train teachers
Note: Northwest Family Services is a leading NFP provider in the area of adolescent sexuality and chastity education, both Catholic and secular.
6200 SE King Rd Portland, OR 97222
(503) 546-6377
(503) 546-9397 FAX
Web Page:
A. Instruction Time
Instruction time for individual study is estimated to be 40-60 hours. Study time is self-paced and flexible. It is fitted to the needs of the teacher candidate.
B. Teaching Format
Online teacher training grouped into 11 chapters that cover the following: provider education; basic instructional approach; reproductive categories; advanced reproductive issues; effectiveness; follow-up; case management; Catholic moral and family issues; NFP development; youth and chastity; and program management.
The educational format includes: individual reading; study of online slides; testing; and off-line activities for individualized feedback. This format allows every teacher candidate to become thoroughly trained in how to individually counsel a woman/couple through any reproductive category, including post-hormone, postpartum, breastfeeding, perimenopause, and cycles with constant mucus.
Note: when two or more individuals or couples express interest in SymptoPro teacher training, some of the above education can be provided in a workshop-style format. Please contact Northwest Family Services for more information.
C. Practicum
A required supervised practicum consists of an estimated twelve-month period in which the teacher candidate teaches the first class with an in-person supervisor and then submits documentation on his/her work with 6 clients through their first six cycles from a variety of reproductive categories. Total training time can take up to 18 months. When the practicum is finished, the teacher candidate takes a final exam for certification.
D. Certification/Re-certification
Currently, there is no provision for re-certification. There is an active and inactive status for certified teachers.
E. Fees
Contact Northwest Family Services.
F. Distance Learning
As described above, distance learning is provided via the online course which includes individualized feedback from a supervisor. A mail-in correspondence course, while rarely utilized, is also an option.
G. Publications
NWFS Update, a monthly teacher e-newsletter, and Stepping Stones, a quarterly client e-newsletter. See web site for more information on programs and publications.
H. Miscellaneous
SymptoPro trains either individuals or couples to teach NFP. See Learn to Teach for more information.
Support for all teachers (in training or certified) includes consultation on difficult client cases. Client instruction is available in both English and Spanish. It includes lectures, learning activities, individual follow-up, and reading materials. All teachers are expected to submit an annual service delivery report. Affiliate programs are available.
St. Pope Paul VI Institute Creighton Model FertilityCare Education Programs
At a Glance...
- NFP Method: CMM (Creighton Model FertilityCare System)
- Spanish teacher education available
Note: Accredited by the American Academy of FertilityCare Professionals (AAFCP). Although this program has not formally applied for Approval according to the Standards for Diocesan NFP Ministry, NFP teacher training programs that meet the AAFCP's standards also meet those of the Standards for Diocesan NFP Ministry. Differences between AAFCP education programs may include members of the faculty and how Catholic teaching is integrated into the curriculum.
6901 Mercy Road Omaha, NE 68106
(402) 390-9168
(402) 390-9851 FAX
Web Page:
A. Instruction Time/Practicum/Teaching Format
Note: Each education program has its own requirements for instruction time, practicum, and format. Complete program information may be obtained by downloading the Education Program Booklet from the Pope Paul VI Institute website,, under the Education tab or by completing an Application Information Packet also located under the Education tab. Instructor (FCI) FCI is a seven-month program consisting of one Education Phase (an eight-day course) and supervised practicum via long-distance supervision. An Instructor must work with a designated local FertilityCareTM Practitioner. Practitioner (FCP) FCP is a thirteen-month program consisting of two Education Phases (an eight-day course and a six-day course) and supervised practicum via long-distance supervision. An On-Site Visit is required.
Note: Prerequisite - 2 years of college or RN degree. Medical Consultant This is a six-month program consisting of two Education Phases (an eight-day course and a seven-day course) and supervised practicum via long-distance supervision.
Note: This program is only for medical doctors, osteopaths, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, nurse midwives, or pharmacists. Medical Consultant/Practitioner This combined program of 13 months consists of two Education Phases (an eight-day course and another eight-day course) and supervised practicum via long-distance supervision. An on-site visit is required. Note: Prerequisite—Bachelor degree or RN degree and certification as a FertilityCareTM Practitioner with a minimum of one year of teaching the Creighton Model FertilityCareTM System. Supervisor This 13-month program consists of two Education Phases (an eight-day course and a nine-day course) and supervised practicum via long-distance supervision. An On-Site Visit is required. Note: Prerequisite—Certification as a FertilityCareTM Practitioner with a minimum of one year of teaching the Creighton Model FertilityCareTM System.
B. Certification/Re-certification
Upon completion of the final examination, the student receives a Certificate of Completion from the Pope Paul VI Institute and Creighton University School of Medicine Continuing Medical Education. Certification/recertification is available for each program from the American Academy of FertilityCareTM Professionals (AAFCP).
C. Fees
For each education program, tuition, textbook fees, and lodging fees are posted in the Education Program Booklet, which may be downloaded from the Pope Paul VI Institute website,, under the Education tab.
D. Miscellaneous
American Academy of FertilityCareTM Professionals (AAFCP)
The AAFCP is the accreditation body for Creighton Model FertilityCareTM Education Programs. The AAFCP is responsible for certifying CrMFC teachers and medical consultants. The AAFCP is the accrediting body for the Creighton Model FertilityCareTM Centers. All FertilityCareTM providers are required to affiliate with FertilityCareTM Centers of America (or FertilityCareTM Centers International, if applicable). CME /CEU Availability Continuing Medical Education Units (CMEs) are available for physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and nurse midwives through Creighton University School of Medicine Continuing Medical Education Division. These activities have been planned and implemented in accordance with the Essential Areas and Policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education through the joint sponsorship of Creighton University School of Medicine and Pope Paul VI Institute. The Creighton University School of Medicine is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians. Continuing Education Units (CEUs) are available for nurses, social workers, and allied health professionals and are provided by Iowa Western Community College, Iowa Board of Nursing Provider #6, and Iowa Board of Social Workers Provider #59.
For current availability of CME/CEUs, refer to the Education Program Booklet, which may be downloaded from the Pope Paul VI Institute website,, under the Education tab.
Love & Life Unlimited Conference
This education program is specifically designed for priests, religious, deacons, diocesan family life directors, NFP coordinators, pro-life directors, and other religious leaders and educators. Information and registration form may be downloaded from the Events section of the Pope Paul VI Institute website,, under the Education tab.
A variety of published resources are available from the Pope Paul VI Institute Publications Department, including: ″Reproductive Anatomy & Physiology: A Primer for FertilityCareTM Professional,″ "The Medical and Surgical Practice of NaProTECHNOLOGY″ Women Healed ″ Unabridged NaProTECHNOLOGY PowerPoint slides ″ Brochures and other resources The FertilityCare™Practitioner/Instructor education program, texts and client teaching materials are available in Spanish. Client teaching materials have been translated into other languages as well.
To view more resources, visit the E-Store section of the Pope Paul VI Institute website,
St. Joseph Fertility Care Practitioner Education Programs
At a Glance...
- NFP Method: CMM (Creighton Model FertilityCare System)
- Will travel to train teachers
Note: Accredited by the American Academy of FertilityCare Professionals (AAFCP). Although this program has not formally applied for Approval according to the Standards for Diocesan NFP Ministry, NFP teacher training programs that meet the AAFCP's standards also meet those of the Standards for Diocesan NFP Ministry. Differences between AAFCP education programs may include members of the faculty and how Catholic teaching is integrated into the curriculum.
4000 St. Joseph Place NW
Lourdes Hall #130
Albuquerque, NM 87120
(505) 263-3509
A. Instruction Time
Education Phase I: Eight-day course.
Supervised Practicum I: Six months.
Education Phase II: Six-day course.
Supervised Practicum II: Seven months, including on-site evaluation by a Certified FertilityCare™ Educator.
B. Teaching Format
Education Phases I and II include lectures with slides, handouts, clinical group sessions, group and individual study, and exams. Upon successful completion of Education Phase I and II (75% test score or greater), the teacher intern advances to the Supervised Practica Phases. Supervised Practica I and II are structured faculty-supervised experiences, which involve evaluation of the intern's teaching of a client couple, presentation of an introductory session, review of the teaching facilities, and all client cases. All criteria for completing the Supervised Practica must be met in order for the intern to be advanced to the next educational phase, on-site visit, or final exam. The final examination is administered by a professional proctor and taken by all qualified interns on predetermined days and hours, throughout the world, four times a year. The exam includes multiple-choice, written, and tape-recorded forms of evaluation. A minimum grade of 75% in all content areas of the exam is required.
C. Practicum
Interns are closely supervised through all aspects of teaching the system during the two supervised practica, assignments, and case reviews of all couples. Scheduled phone calls are made to the supervisor every month to monitor students' progress and provide opportunities for questions.
Supervised Practicum I (6 months): This clinical experience begins immediately following Education Phase I. It is designed to develop the basic teaching skills of the FertilityCareTM System, learned during EP-I.
Supervised Practicum II (7 months): This second clinical experience is designed to develop the advanced teaching skills necessary for teaching the FertilityCareTM System, learned during EP-I, SP-I, and EP-II. Supervised Practicum II is a time for maturing, refining, activating, and perfecting the student's advanced teaching skills. This is a time when interns learn to integrate their skills and knowledge. Interns are expected to develop skills in advanced case management, advanced chart reading and correcting, the conduct of pregnancy evaluations, developing the advanced business aspects, and the management of advanced behavioral issues. Included in this practicum is an on-site visit by the intern's faculty supervisor.
D. Certification/Re-certification
Once the intern qualifies for and passes the final examination (75% or greater), the new Practitioner receives a certificate of completion and can use the title "FertilityCareTM Practitioner" (FCP). After an additional field service year and the teaching of 10 new clients, the FCP is eligible to apply for professional certification by the American Academy of FertilityCareTM Professionals (AAFCP). Certification requires a complete case list, continuing education, and the review of one client case by a Certified FertilityCareTM Educator or Supervisor on the AAFCP Certification Commission. Recertification is required every four years.
E. Fees
Contact Director.
Angelique N. Garcia, BSE, CFCE
(505) 263-3509
F. Miscellaneous
St. Joseph FertilityCareTM Practitioner Education Program uses only the most recent, updated Curriculum and teaching materials available from the PPVI Institute for the Study of Human Reproduction, and the FertilityCareTM Centers of America (FCCA). Interns are asked to complete evaluation forms for each educational phase and supervised practicum. These evaluations are used to ensure program quality and student satisfaction. Continuing education units are available for nurses. Off-site programs are conducted for sponsoring agencies or organizations willing to host the program and sponsor interns outside of Albuquerque, New Mexico, or the United States.
St. Joseph FertilityCareTM Practitioner Education Program is based in Albuquerque, NM, serving the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, but also conducts practitioner trainings internationally in cooperation with FertilityCareTM Centers International (FCCI), and FertilityCareTM Centers of Europe (FCCE). The St. Joseph program has conducted trainings in Mexico, Ireland, England, France, Austria, Spain, Portugal & Hong Kong.
Please be patient with us as this directory is currently being updated.
If you need immediate information, contact the NFP teacher training program directly.