This glossary was produced by the USCCB Subcommittee on Certification for Ecclesial Ministry and Service (original 2017, updated 2020 & 2021) and contains working definitions used in various USCCB publications. It is not intended to be definitive or exhaustive, but to serve as guidance for those seeking a common way of defining specific terms related to ministry formation and certification. The USCCB subcommittee recommends this glossary as a reference, when needed, to clarify terms used in professional ministry development.

accreditation: See Glossary Grid on accreditation, certification and approval.

accreditation body: See Glossary Grid on accreditation, certification and approval.

advisory committee: A committee composed of members both internal and external to a program that consults regularly with the program director regarding all aspects of the program and assists in the development of the program according to agreed upon standards. Professional consultation committees function in the same manner.

Alliance for the Certification of Lay Ecclesial Ministers (ACLEM or "The Alliance"): A former coalition of organizations which affirmed and promoted lay ecclesial ministry in parishes and dioceses throughout the United States. The Alliance was comprised of five national Catholic ministry organizations which worked collaboratively to produce common standards for lay ecclesial ministry and to implement and promote the certification of lay ecclesial ministers. The Alliance partners were the Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Subcommittees (FDLC), the National Conference on Catechetical Leadership (NCCL), National Association for Lay Ministry (NALM), National Association of Pastoral Musicians (NPM), and National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry (NFCYM). The USCCB Subcommittee first approved its certification standards in 2011 and approved revised and updated standards in 2018. The organizations concluded their collaboration as the Alliance in 2020.

annual fee: Each organization or diocese with approved certification standards pays an annual fee.

application: This online form that is part of the process of establishing a relationship with the Subcommittee. Upon contacting the USCCB Office staff stating that the diocesan office or national organization is seeking approval for its certification standards and procedures from the USCCB Subcommittee, the USCCB Office staff will send the director or executive director an application for online completion, correspondence about the fee schedule, a Certification Approval Handbook, and other related items. 

After reviewing the Certification Approval Handbook, the director or executive director shall complete the application form. The form asks for a letter or memo of approval from either the local ordinary or Board of Directors. Additional details can be found in the Certification Approval Handbook.

approval: See Glossary Grid on accreditation, certification and approval.

ACPE The Standard for Spiritual Care and Education (ACPE): The ACPE is a national multi-faith organization of CPE certified educators and ministers. Its mission is to foster experience-based theological education that combines the practice of pastoral care with qualified supervision and peer-group reflection and that is grounded in a person-centered approach to religious ministry. The ACPE Accreditation Subcommittee accredits ACPE centers, and the ACPE Certification Subcommittee certifies CPE supervisors.

authorization: See Glossary Grid on endorsement, appointment, commissioning and authorization.

CCMA logo

Catholic Campus Ministry Association (CCMA): A professional organization whose mission is to foster the professional and theological growth of Catholic campus ministers and to promote the mission of the Church in higher education. The USCCB first approved its certification standards and procedures in 1992. Updated standards and procedures were re-approved in 2019.

Catholic Prison Ministries Coalition logo

Catholic Prison Ministries Coalition (CPMC): A resource organization which promotes ministry to all people affected by incarceration, with a focus on recruitment, training, support and empowerment for Catholics called to this ministry. CPMC also advocates for and strives to create a more just and merciful criminal justice system which upholds the dignity of every human person and advances restorative justice. Together with NACC, CPMC provides resourcing for dioceses and organizations to train volunteer prison ministers at a foundational level, an intensive level for associate prison chaplains and a full certification for prison ministries chaplains or directors of prison ministries.

certificate: A written statement that a participant has completed a program or course of studies through attendance, participation, and successful completion of program requirements. Receiving a certificate of completion of a program is not the same thing as being recognized as certified by a diocesan ministry formation program or national ministry organization. See certification below. 

certification: See Glossary Grid on accreditation, certification and approval.

chaplains: Canon Law (Canons 564-572) restricts the title “chaplain” to ordained priests. In 1997, several Congregations of the Holy See issued an Instruction, “On Certain Questions Regarding the Collaboration of the Non-Ordained Faithful in the Sacred Ministry of Priests.” This Instruction was given approval by Pope John Paul II and further specified that it is unlawful for non-ordained faithful to assume the title of "chaplain." However, in the United States, hiring institutions (health care, prison, and other specialized institutions) will only employ “chaplains” who are board certified and hold this professional credential for spiritual care services. Catholic women religious, religious brothers and lay faithful, who have met standards or competencies of Catholic chaplaincy associations approved by the USCCB through its Subcommittee on Certification for Ecclesial Ministry and Service and who have been acknowledged or endorsed by their own local bishop, are also essential representatives of the Church. These ministers help maintain a Catholic presence in most such institutions, assure adherence to the “Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services,”  ensure the availability of the sacraments to Catholics, and provide direction and comfort to physicians, staff, and family members of the sick, dying and incarcerated.

To retain and affirm this very important ministry, while also being faithful to the letter and spirit of Canon Law and the 1997 Instruction, the National Association of Catholic Chaplains (NACC) separates out "acknowledgement or endorsement for ministry" from the "certification by the profession." This distinction enables NACC to be faithful to Canon Law, and, at the same time, meet the requirements for certification. The NACC requests of the local ordinary a letter of acknowledgement/endorsement for the candidate for certification which is a prerequisite for certification. The NACC then issues a certificate for "the profession" as a legally separate 501(c) 3. The certificate, no longer with the inclusion of the phrase "and by the authority of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops," instead includes the statement “according to the NACC Standards and Procedures approved by the USCCB Subcommittee on Certification for Ecclesial Ministry and Service.”  As is theologically and canonically appropriate, the bishop of the local Church may choose to commission and authorize as "lay ecclesial health care ministers" those who have obtained the professional certification to do those things which the hiring institutions entrust to certified chaplains, regardless of religion or ecclesiastical standing within a given faith.

clinical pastoral education (CPE) program: A program of ministry formation for chaplains and for others considering a pastoral care ministry administered in a clinical setting under the supervision of a CPE certified supervisor. It offers students a structured system of components, including a unified curriculum, a student learning contract, participation in peer groups, and the practice of ministry in a supervised context with formal reporting of this ministry, theological reflection on ministry, a multidisciplinary approach, and an evaluation of the achievement of learning contract goals. The CPE program consists of 4 units and occurs within a specified time frame. 400 hours comprises each CPE unit, during which participants strive for personal growth and professional competence as chaplains and ministers of pastoral care. The USCCB Subcommittee no longer accredits CPE programs.

commendation: Acknowledgment that an individual, group, or program deserves special recognition.

commissioning: See Glossary Grid on endorsement, appointment, commissioning and authorization.

competence: The demonstrated and proven ability of candidates for certification to meet certification standards approved by the USCCB Subcommittee.

competencies (core or specialized): Knowledge, skills, abilities, attitudes, values, and/or traits required to be eligible for certification in four major areas: human, spiritual, intellectual, and pastoral. Core competencies are foundational and common to all specialized ministries. Specialized competencies are unique to a particular specialized ministry.

competency: The requisite attainment of a level of proficiency associated with specific knowledge, skills, abilities, attitudes, values, and/or traits for a specialized ministry.

consultation: A review of standards and procedures used for certification by a diocese or national organization or of programs of formation offered by dioceses or academic institutions. The purpose of such a discussion is to improve the quality and effectiveness by sharing best practices and guidance in accord with Co-Workers in the Vineyard of the Lord or other relevant pastoral documents, concerns and priorities of the USCCB and the universal magisterium. A request for a consultation may be made to the USCCB Office as an informal discussion, conference call, or meeting. The more formal review is a review of standards and procedures and includes a review team.

Co-Workers in the Vineyard of the Lord (Co-Workers)A resource for diocesan bishops and for all others who are responsible for guiding the development of lay ecclesial ministry in the United States. Developed by the Committee on the Laity of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, this document was approved by the full body of bishops at its November 2005 General Meeting. It provides a common frame of reference for ensuring that the development of lay ecclesial ministry continues in ways that are faithful to the Church's theological and doctrinal tradition and that respond to contemporary pastoral needs and situations. It suggests concepts, goals, strategies, resources, and ideas to consider. It invites local adaptation, application, and implementation to achieve consistency where possible and to encourage diversity where appropriate. En español aqui

cultural diversity: The Subcommittee on Certification for Ecclesial Ministry and Service affirms diversity and seeks information through an annual report each year from dioceses and organizations whose standards and procedures have been approved regarding the gender, racial, ethnic, and cultural diversity of diocesan staff, committee or board members, and the general population or membership served. This information can be best collected from certified leaders or members on a voluntary basis as part of a general survey of leadership or a separate annual anonymous survey. It is important that leaders understand that they are being asked these questions with a goal of tracking efforts to better reflect the actual diversity of the Church being served. See also 'intercultural competency'.

endorsement: See Glossary Grid on endorsement, appointment, commissioning and authorization.

equivalency: The documented and demonstrated ability to meet the diocesan requirements to be eligible for certification.

evaluation: A formal and planned process after an assessment for determining whether accreditation standards have been met by all components of the program, as well as recognition of the strengths and limitations of the program.


FDLC logo.

Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions (FDLC): A national organization composed primarily of members of diocesan liturgical subcommittees, worship offices, and/or the equivalent diocesan liturgical structures. These diocesan liturgical personnel, appointed by their bishops, have responsibility for the promotion of the liturgical life of their dioceses. The organization is a partner of ACLEM. The USCCB Subcommittee first approved its certification standards and procedures in 2011 and approved revised standards in 2018.

four dimensions ("pillars" or "areas") of formation: The four areas of formation—human, spiritual, intellectual, and pastoral—that provide a framework for the formation of deacons and priests and for lay ecclesial ministers, and which are referenced in Co-Workers in the Vineyard of the Lord.

guidelines: Suggestions for contents, procedures, and policies in developing, maintaining, or evaluating programs.

human formation: One of the four dimensions of formation. Human formation seeks to develop the lay ecclesial minister's human qualities and character by fostering a healthy and well-balanced personality for the sake of both personal growth and ministerial service. These qualities are critical to form wholesome relationships and necessary for the ministers to become apt instruments of God's love and compassion (Co-Workers,  pp 34, 36).

indicator: Something that constitutes an "effective" demonstration of a particular skill. Each skill within the core skills section has a set of competency indicators. To be competent, one should demonstrate many but not necessarily all of the indicators for each competency Indicators not demonstrated represent areas for growth.

intellectual formation: One of the four dimensions of formation. Intellectual formation seeks to develop the lay ecclesial minister's adequate knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of the Catholic faith, which is rooted in God's revelation and embodied in the living tradition of the Church. It consists chiefly of study of the sacred sciences but draws also on a wider range of other disciplines: philosophy, literature and the arts, psychology, sociology, counseling, medical ethics, culture and language studies, business administration, leadership and organizational development, law, and so on. Although the sacred sciences are the main focus here, study of the other disciplines can be valuable and relevant to effective ministry in certain situations (Co-Workers, p. 47).

intercultural competency: The goal of the USCCB Committee on Cultural Diversity in the Church for ministry leaders to increase their capacity to welcome, receive, and encourage all emerging cultural groups to assume their leadership role in the Church. The five learning modules of the guidelines on include formation in the following areas:

  • Frame issues of diversity in terms of the Church's identity and mission to evangelize
  • Seek an understanding of culture and how it works
  • Develop intercultural communication skills in pastoral settings
  • Expand one's knowledge of the obstacles that impede effective intercultural relations
  • Foster ecclesial integration rather than assimilation in Church settings, with a spirituality of reconciliation and mission.
Certification for Ecclesial Ministry: Diocesan Formation Among Diverse Cultures

Certification for Ecclesial Ministry: Diocesan Formation Among Diverse Cultures

Maruja Sedano, past Director of the Ministry Formation Institute in the Diocese of San Bernardino, discusses how the cultural diversity of their diocese and the U.S. church has influenced their formation program for lay ecclesial ministers. Their...


In Word and Witness: A professional organization for catechetical leaders that provided networking, resources, and training opportunities for its members and those engaged in catechetical ministry. The organization is a partner of ACLEM. The USCCB Subcommittee approved its certification standards in 2011 and approved their revision in 2018. This organization was formerly known as the National Conference for Catechetical Leadership (NCCL). It ceased operation in 2020.

justice issues: A comprehensive concept that encompasses aspects of moral action and policy in promotion of the common good and the preservation of proper rights and responsibilities of people and groups within a society. Justice issues are often considered in light of realities which threaten the common good and the rights of others.

lay ecclesial minister: As described in the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Lay Ministry Subcommittee report entitled Lay Ecclesial Ministry: State of the Questions (1999, p. 10; see also Co-Workersp. 10), a lay ecclesial minister is a fully initiated lay member of the Christian faithful, including vowed religious, who responds to the empowerment and gifts of the Holy Spirit received in Baptism and Confirmation to participate in ministry. Lay ecclesial ministers have prepared themselves through a process of prayer discernment and have received the necessary formation, education, and training to function competently within a given area of ministry. They intentionally bring personal competencies and gifts to serve in the Church’s mission through a specific ministry of ecclesial leadership, and do so with community recognition and support. Furthermore, lay ecclesial ministers are entrusted with a formal and public role in ministry, or have had an office conferred by competent ecclesiastical authority. Additional hallmarks of a lay ecclesial minister include having been installed in a ministry through the authority of the bishop or his representative, perhaps using a public ritual and someone who commits to performing the duties of a ministry in a stable manner and/or who is a paid staff person (full-time or part-time) or a volunteer with responsibility and the necessary authority for institutional leadership in a particular area of ministry.

Leadership Institute: Developed by the USCCB Committee on Evangelization and Catechesis, the Diocesan Educational/Catechetical Leadership Institute, begun in 1997 as a five-day orientation program for new or nearly new diocesan leaders has now expanded into online offerings designed to assist the formation of educational and catechetical leaders and ministers.

limitation: A statement in a self-study or a report of a site liaison that indicates that an organization or diocesan office needs to address a standard, criterion, guideline, process, policy, or procedure to improve the program.

ministerial priesthood: The ministerial or hierarchical priesthood of bishops and priests and the common priesthood of all the faithful participate, "each in its own proper way, in the one priesthood of Christ." While being "ordered one to another," they differ in essence (cf. Lumen gentium, no. 10). While the common priesthood of the faithful is exercised by the unfolding of baptismal grace—a life of faith, hope, and charity, a life according to the Spirit—the ministerial priesthood is at the service of the common priesthood. It is directed at the unfolding of the baptismal grace of all Christians. It is a mission of service in the likeness of Jesus who came to serve and not be served. The ministerial priesthood is a privileged means by which Christ unceasingly builds up and leads his Church in prolonging his mission throughout time. For this reason, it is transmitted by its own sacrament, the Sacrament of Holy Orders (cf. Catechism of the Catholic Church, nos. 1542, 1547).

The characteristics that differentiate the ministerial priesthood of bishops and priests from the common priesthood of the faithful may be summarized in the following fashion: (1) the ministerial priesthood is rooted in the apostolic succession and vested with the faculty and the responsibility of acting in the person of Christ, the Head and the Shepherd and (2) it is a priesthood that renders its sacred ministers servants of Christ and of the Church by means of authoritative proclamation of the Word of God, the administration of the sacraments, and the pastoral direction of the faithful. In other words, the ministerial priesthood continues the mission received by the Apostles from Christ. For these reasons, the path of formation for seminarians is categorically distinct from that of candidates for lay ecclesial ministry. In the same way, the lay ecclesial minister necessitates a program of formation proper to his or her form of ministry or service in the Church. Nevertheless, the formation of both seminarians and lay ecclesial ministers, while distinct, is rooted in the common four dimensions of formation.

ministry formation program: A program to assist the participants with understanding their gifts, call, role, and mission in the Church and in the world, and with developing skills to respond to the call. Components of a program include a mission, goals, and objectives based on the perspectives of the Vatican II and post-conciliar documents, and the needs of the local Church; a curriculum based on the program's mission and its goals and objectives that integrate the four dimensions of formation cited in Co-Workers in the Vineyard of the Lordhuman, spiritual, intellectual, and pastoral—formation; a program director who administers the program; instructional faculty who assist in the formation process; and sufficient resources for the program to operate according to its mission.

National Association of Catholic Chaplains Logo

National Association of Catholic Chaplains (NACC): The NACC advocates for the profession of spiritual care and educates, certifies, and supports chaplains, clinical pastoral educators, and all members who continue the healing ministry of Jesus in the name of the Church. The USCCB Subcommittee approved its certification standards in 2016. NACC also provides resourcing for ministry formation for pastoral care givers in other settings, including palliative care, care for those who are at home, and elder care. It offers additional certification for Catholic veterans chaplains and, in coordination with the Catholic Prison Ministries Coalition, to prison chaplains.

National Association of Lay Ministry Logo

National Association for Lay Ministry (NALM): A professional organization that supports, educates, and advocates for lay ministers and promotes the development of lay ministry in the Catholic Church. The organization is a partner of ACLEM. The USCCB Subcommittee approved its certification standards in 2011 and approved their revision in 2018.

NPM Logo

National Association of Pastoral Musicians (NPM): A membership organization composed primarily of musicians, musician-liturgists, clergy, and other leaders of prayer. NPM is devoted to serving the life and mission of the Church by fostering the art of musical liturgy in Catholic worshiping communities. The organization is a partner of ACLEM. The USCCB Subcommittee approved standards and procedures in 2011 and approved their revision in 2018.


NFCYM logo

National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry (NFCYM): An organization of diocesan, regional, and national structures encompassing the United States and its territories that strives to raise awareness of and foster the ongoing development of ministry to, with, by, and for youth. The organization is a partner of ACLEM. The USCCB Subcommittee first approved its certification standards in 2011 and approved their revision in 2018.

ongoing formation: The ongoing program of academic studies, days of reflection or retreat, lectures, readings, workshops, and other activities that enhances the competencies of specialized ministers. Ongoing formation is often understood as continuing education. This formation should integrate a candidate's self-evaluation and growth plan for each of the four dimensions of formation of Co-Workers in the Vineyard of the Lord: human, spiritual, intellectual, and pastoral.

organization: A national professional organization of specialized ecclesial ministers or an organizational structure in a region or state Catholic conference that submits certification standards or certification standards and procedures to the USCCB Subcommittee for approval.

pastoral formation: One of the four dimensions of formation. Pastoral formation cultivates the knowledge, attitudes, and skills that directly pertain to effective functioning in the ministry setting and that also pertain to pastoral administration that supports direct ministry (Co-Workers, p. 47).

peer review / peer review: See 'reviewer / review'.

periodic review cycle: A period, generally of seven years, during which an organization or diocesan office strives to fulfill the recommendations of the last periodic review and to respond to changing needs of the local Church and participants.

policy: A set of rules and/or directions in a designated area congruent with standards, procedures, and guidelines by which decisions are made.

procedure: A set of mandatory steps to be followed in a regular and defined order for the accomplishment of a designated purpose.

recommendation: An advisory course of action for improvement included in a peer review committee report and/or USCCB Subcommittee notification of decision letter.

renewal of certification: A process through which candidates certified by the diocese or organization demonstrates their commitment to maintain and enhance the competencies called for by certification standards and requirements. Renewal of certification takes place after a period of time designated by the organization or diocesan office.

report : An oral or written presentation to discuss findings and other details regarding a program’s process and activities related to ministry formation and certification which can assist the program and the subcommittee in its awareness of, and response to, programmatic needs.

review: The formal process of assessment or examination of all components of an organization or diocesan office to recognize strengths and limitation and to evaluate whether the organization or office is in compliance with USCCB Subcommittee recommendations.

reviewer: A reviewer appointed by the USCCB Subcommittee who meets established criteria and meets virtually or in-person with organization or diocesan office to advise and consult with those involved in the certification process. A reviewer is part of team charged with developing a presentation or report to the USCCB Office, and what is observed in the review of the program.

role of bishop: See Glossary Grid on endorsement, appointment, commissioning and authorization.

self-study process: A period of time within which an organization or diocesan office director and a certification commission/committee carefully examine all the components of the office for compliance with USCCB Subcommittee standards, recommendations, policies, and procedures; identify the strengths and limitations; and make recommendations for improving quality.

self-study report: A report written by an organization or diocesan office director and certification commission/committee stating the results of the self-study process and the office's compliance with USCCB Subcommittee recommendations. The report also includes a description of the strengths, limitations, noncompliance with standards, and recommendations to improve or change the office.

spiritual formation: One of the four dimensions of formation. Spiritual formation aims to arouse and animate the hunger for holiness, desire for union with the Father through Christ in the Spirit, daily growing in love of God and neighbor in life and ministry, and the practices of prayer and spirituality that foster these attitudes and dispositions. It promotes and strengthens that fundamental conversion that places God, and not oneself, at the center of one's life. Openness to this ongoing conversion is a prerequisite for fruitful spiritual formation. (See Co-Workers, p. 38.)

sponsor: The authority that partially or totally finances a ministry formation program so that it can operate.

standards: Criteria established by which the competence of ministers is assessed and evaluated for certification. Each of the four pillars of formation—human, spiritual, intellectual, and pastoral—is to be addressed in development of these criteria.(See Co-Workers, p. 34.)

statement of approval: A statement given to dioceses and organizations whose standards and procedures for certification have been approved. The statement lists their name, the name of the role or roles approved the year they were approved, and the year their approval ends. See also See Glossary Grid on accreditation, certification and approval.

synodal: From the Greek word “synod,” meaning “to walk together,” this term, in an ecclesial context, refers to processes, structures, conversations or other engagements in the life of the Church which are based on the participatory nature of the Church as the People of God in communion. This participatory role is based on the nature of co-responsibility of all the faithful for the life of the Church, and the charisms or gifts given under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit to all the Church’s members and to the Church as a whole. It is expressed under the guidance and leadership of the authoritative magisterium of the Church. In exercising synodality, the church is “called to give expression to the participation of all, according to each one’s calling, with the authority conferred by Christ on the College of Bishops headed by the Pope. Participation is based on the fact that all the faithful are qualified and called to serve each other through the gifts they have all received from the Holy Spirit.” (cf. International Theological Commission, “Synodality in the Life and Mission of the Church,” no. 67. March 2, 2018).

The nature of how synodality is exercised varies with ecclesial context. In regard to the processes of USCCB approval of certification standards, it refers to the procedures established for evaluation for approval in a way which encourages dialogue and genuine engagement on the part of members of the USCCB Subcommittee and the Office of Certification, together with the representatives and leaders of organizations and dioceses with approved standards, or those which are seeking to develop standards. It also refers to the approach taken regarding consultations on ministry formation when these are requested. The purpose is not only to ensure a good practice with respect to dialogue and the promotion of a collegial process, but to use such engagements as an opportunity for the participants to discern together the work of the Holy Spirit: “The … members of the People of God who take part in [synodal assemblies] are responding to the summons of the Lord, listening as a community to what the Spirit is saying to the Church through the Word of God which resonates in their situation, and interpreting the signs of the times with the eyes of faith. In the synodal Church the whole community, in the free and rich diversity of its members, is called together to pray, listen, analyze, dialogue, discern and offer advice on taking pastoral decisions which correspond as closely as possible to God's will” (cf. International Theological Commission, “Synodality in the Life and Mission of the Church,” no. 68. March 2, 2018).

USCCB Subcommittee on Certification for Ecclesial Ministry and Service: This USCCB Subcommittee has a mandate from the USCCB to establish, review, and approve standards and procedures to be used on a voluntary basis by dioceses and national organizations for the certification of ecclesial ministers. It also offers consultative services aimed at improving the quality of lay ministry formation programs that are sponsored by dioceses and academic institutions.

USCCB Subcommittee-approved: See Glossary Grid on accreditation, certification and approval.

Updated: April 2021