Vos Estis Lux Mundi: What Does the New Law Do?
Starting June 1, 2019, there is a new Church law related to sexual abuse. It is called Vos Estis Lux Mundi - You Are the Light of the World. Released by Pope Francis on May 7, 2019 in Rome.
In May 2019, the Holy Father established new universal law for the global Church to protect children and vulnerable people from the evils of clergy sexual abuse, while holding all members of the clergy accountable regardless if they are the direct abuser or involved in the coverup of such crimes. These norms add more layers of response to The Charter that has already been implemented by the American Church since 2002.
The Motu Proprio serves as a global baseline to be implemented and complemented by additional reforms relevant to individual countries so that different cultures and civil reporting laws are taken into consideration. However, it is mandatory that Church institutions comply with all civil reporting laws.