Take a moment to reflect, learn, and be inspired by diocesan NFP coordinators who are faithful, smart, hard-working, creative, and generous!
The resources on this page are authored by past and present diocesan NFP coordinators. They are written "in their own words" and are offered to provide you, the diocesan NFP leader with inspiration and ideas to strengthen NFP ministry in your diocese.
Please be advised that the content below represents the insights and perspective of the authors. Links to external websites when provided are for the user's convenience. Reference to these sites do not imply USCCB official endorsement.
To read about diocesan NFP programming, see NFP Program, Topics and Resources.
Have a diocesan NFP resource to share with your colleagues?
Send to nfp@usccb.org.
Chastity Education and the NFP Coordinator
Diocesan NFP Programming
Diocesan NFP Coordinator Witness Stories
Lead with Church Teaching
Chastity Education and the NFP Coordinator
Parent/Child Chastity and Fertility Appreciation
- "A Gift for NFP Teachers/Couples,"
Mary Pat Van Epps. Published in the USCCB's Diocesan Activity Report for NFP (1990).
The NFP coordinator for the Diocese of Memphis, Mary Pat Van Epps, shares encouraging stories about her Mother/Daughter and Father/Son programs in the parishes. Mary Pat calls these programs a true gift for families and the NFP movement! (NB: Mrs. Van Epps has given the USCCB permission to share the original curriculum. Please contact @email for a digital copy.
Diocesan NFP Programming
Funding NFP Ministry
The majority of diocesan NFP programs receive their funding from the department under which they operate. In most cases, this is the marriage and family life office. A portion of the NFP budget is also raised from client fees. In addition, funding from non-diocesan Catholic sources often supplements an NFP program's budget. These non-diocesan Catholic sources can be international, national, or local as found in private donors and foundations. Interestingly, some dioceses are able to receive a portion of their funding from insurance reimbursements for NFP services. And, a handful of dioceses have even applied for and won US federal or state grants.
When considering how to supplement the diocesan NFP budget, an NFP coordinator may want to keep certain things in mind to ensure that good efforts are well planned. The following are basic suggestions to help a diocesan NFP coordinator to get started:
- Schedule a meeting with the diocesan supervisor of the NFP ministry. That person will know about possibilities and restrictions with regard to non-Catholic sources of funding (e.g. insurance reimbursement, federal or state grants, etc.).
- Get to know the appropriate staff of your state's Catholic Conference since they are the experts who know the political and policy landscape as well as the requirements and restrictions of the bishops in your state.
- Stay alert to any problematic referral clauses in non-Catholic applications (e.g., many state and federal grants may require referring a client to contraception).
- When faced with lobbying for a change in state legislation regarding including NFP in public health services, identify and train NFP experts (e.g., recruit physicians and nurses) to speak with public legislators and officials.
- Gather careful information on the funding source--be it Catholic or non-Catholic, make sure you vet the source!
Below are examples of how various dioceses have handled seeking sources of funding
Note: Please be patient with us as we develop these resources.
Indiana Catholic Conference staff work to ensure that NFP services are eligible for state grants.
Note: This video is the recording of the October 2022 session of NFP Office Hours, a program tailored for diocesan NFP leader.
Helping couples to Choose an NFP Method
- Perspectives and Strategies Differ in the Archdioceses of Galveston-Houston and Boston
Diocesan NFP coordinators Joe DeVet (Galveston-Houston) and Mary Finnegan (Boston) weigh in with their different perspectives and strategies on how to match couples with a method of NFP.
- NFP Method Matcher by Couple to Couple League (CCL)
CCL, a national provider of the Sympto-Thermal Method, offers an easy way for married couples to get immediate assistance in choosing a method of NFP that fits their interests and lifestyle. Visit CCL's Fertility Science Institute for other useful couple resources (including free NFP method coaching!).
- NFP Conversations with diocesan pioneers (V2020)
Donna Dausman (Diocese of Springfield in Il) and Mary Pat Van Epps (Diocese of Memphis). Listen, laugh, and be inspired by these two diocesan NFP pioneers who remember what it was like in the early days of diocesan NFP ministry in the USA.
- Whistling a Different Tune,
Stella Kitchen. Published in the USCCB's NFP Forum, Diocesan Activity Report (1996).
NFP Coordinator of the Diocese of Harrisburg, Stella Kitchen, utilizes humor and bluntness in order to share the good news of uncompromising priests and good physicians willing to preach and practice the truth. This article encourages and uplifts those who may feel weighted down by the obstacles in the NFP movement.
NFP Classes--Increasing Attendance
- "Great Expectations." How one diocese increased its numbers of engaged couples taking an NFP course by 500% without an NFP requirement during marriage preparation.
Diocesan Marriage and Family Life Director, Daniel Thimons (Columbus) shares this simple and effective strategy.
NFP Promotion--Witness Couples
- "Witness Couples-A Unique Contribution,"
Kay Ek, Diocese of St. Cloud, MN. Published in the USCCB's NFP Diocesan Activity Report (1995).
The Diocese of St. Cloud presents an effective strategy to promote NFP with witness couples who offer their exuberance, experience, and love for one another.
Diocesan NFP Coordinators Share their Stories
- "An Unexpected Journey,"
Karen D. Poehailos, MD, CFCMC, Diocese of Richmond (2013).
Dr. Karen Poehailos reflects on the road she traveled to become a diocesan NFP coordinator. Her story reveals how surprising God can be as He calls His children to seek the truth. See also Dr. Poehailos speak about her journey to providing NFP in her practice.
Lead with Church Teaching
Diocesan NFP coordinators often discuss the importance to "lead with Church teaching" in their NFP efforts. Below are some reflections.
- Lead with Church Teaching (Video, 2020)
NFP Conversations with Alice Heinzen (Diocese of La Crosse) and Cindy Leonard (Diocese of Phoenix) about the importance of leading with Church teaching in NFP ministry.
- NFP Conversations on Catholic Teaching about Married Love and the Gift of Life, and Contraception
This video is an episode of NFP Conversations (recorded on September 19, 2022). It takes a look at the Catholic Church's teaching on married love and the gift of life--especially with regard to the moral prohibition on contraception. Guest, Perry J. Cahall, PhD, Academic Dean and Director of Intellectual Formation at the Pontifical College Josephinum (Columbus, OH), speaks with host, Theresa Notare, PhD, Assistant Director, Natural Family Planning Program, United States Conference of Catholic bishops.
Among the points made in this conversation is that Catholic teaching on marriage, married love and responsible parenthood arise from both Scripture and Sacred Tradition*--therefore, they cannot be changed. The question as to whether contraception is "intrinsically evil" is also discussed as well as what is meant by the "law of gradualness" and "gradualness of the law." A way forward to better help people understand these Catholic teachings is also suggested. Dr. Cahall points to St. John Paul II's Theology of the Body which can help Catholics reclaim God's original intent for married love and the gift of life.
- "Holiness and Sweetness a Call to a Wider Apostolate" Part I: Spirituality
Deacon Walter Sweeney. Published in the USCCB's NFP Diocesan Activity Report (1991).
Deacon Sweeney offers hope and encouragement to those in the NFP movement. His words inspire teachers and coordinators to recognize their work in Natural Family Planning as a unique gift from God meant to be shared with joy.
"Holiness and Sweetness a Call to a Wider Apostolate" Part II: A Wider Apostolate,
Deacon Walter Sweeney. Published in the USCCB's NFP Diocesan Activity Report (1991).
Part II of Deacon Sweeney's reflection. He provides strong encouragement to the NFP community to be courageous with its message. Deacon Sweeney urges leaders to "dig deeper" in order to continually make the movement stronger and full of life.
- Integrating Church Teaching into NFP Instruction,
Elizabeth and Charles Balsam, Diocese of Beaumont, TX. Published in NFP Diocesan Activity Report (1993).
NFP Coordinator Beth Balsam and Diocesan Family Life Director Charles Balsam reveal frank and beautiful insights into NFP as more than a methodology. They remind coordinators to maintain the beauty of marriage within their teachings on NFP.
- NFP in Arlington: Striving for Responsible Parenthood,
Robert E. Laird, Assistant Director for Family Life, Diocese of Arlington, Virginia. Published in the USCCB's NFP Diocesan Activity Report (1993).
The success rate of the Diocese of Arlington's NFP Program prompted this article detailing the formula for success found within the clergy, presenters, and the overall focus of the program.
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