Learn a method of Natural Family Planning from certified teachers either in-person or in the comfort of your home!
National NFP Providers
The national NFP providers offer a variety of services and resources. All integrate the Church's teaching on human sexuality, marriage, conjugal love, and responsible parenthood in their particular NFP method's education for both clients and teacher candidates. Most offer NFP outreach education designed for specific groups such as health care professionals and clergy. Some offer chastity education for youth and their parents. Many publish resources, including brochures, booklets, and CDs. All have their own websites.
Contact a National NFP Provider
NFP Distance Learning Providers
Learn a method of NFP in the comfort of your home. These NFP providers offer distance learning in a variety of formats (e.g., web-based, hard copy books, DVDs, etc.).
Contact a National NFP Provider for Distance Learning
Diocesan NFP Classes
NFP ministry in the dioceses is typically provided by the Marriage and Family Life Office. NFP services may also be offered by: the offices of Faith Formation or Respect Life Activities; Catholic hospitals; and Catholic Charities. Diocesan NFP coordinators maintain lists of local teachers and current on-site classes. To find on-site NFP classes near you, see the
Diocesan NFP Directory
Want to use an App to chart your cycle?
These National NFP Providers can help you!
- Offers a choice of apps for your BOM cycling needs.
- Chart CCL's Sympto-Thermal Method with PeakDay.com.
- The FEMM app.
- SymptoPro has partnered with Read Your Body for a charting app for its clients and teachers. They have a template that SymptoPro clients can apply to the app so that they can easily chart the SymptoPro method.
Need an NFP Knowledgeable Physician
to help you navigate your NFP Charts?
The national providers listed below maintain lists of NFP knowledgeable physicians. Please note: some of the physicians listed by an NFP provider may have general NFP training while others may be certified in teaching an NFP method. It will be important to ask about an individual physician's NFP training should you contact a physician.
With regard to possible infertility, some NFP trained physicians are also educated in an ethical medical protocol which supports Catholic teaching in this area of life. Again, please inquire about a particular physician's credentials should you contact one.
Not all NFP promoters and providers require that the healthcare professionals they train reject contraception in their medical practices. Below, we have indicated who they are. Should you contact a physician from such NFP providers, we recommend that you inquire whether the physician's practice is an "NFP-Only" one since many Catholic physicians who accept Church teaching and reject contraception in their practices are part of these groups.
The list below is provided for your convenience.
The USCCB does not endorse individual physicians listed by the NFP providers.
Billings Ovulation Method Association--USA, Physicians' Directory
The physicians in this directory are trained in the Billings Ovulation Method.
FertilityCare Centers of America
Physicians listed in this directory are trained in the Creighton Model of NFP. They are also trained in NaProTechnology, the ethical women's healthcare developed by Dr. Thomas Hilgers, MD.
FEMM, (Fertility Education Medical Management)
Physicians listed in this directory are trained in the FEMM medical protocols for diagnosing menstrual cycle difficulties. Some of these healthcare professionals are certified in several NFP methods in addition to that of FEMM.
NOTE: FEMM does not require their trained physicians to be "NFP-Only."
Fertility Science Institute, a program of the Couple to Couple League, International (CCLI)
CCLI ensures that all healthcare professionals in their directory are "NFP-Only."
Also featured on this page are services for fertility coaching in special circumstances such as post-partum and breastfeeding as well as possible infertility. Parent/child educational programs are also offered on this webpage.
My Catholic Doctor
MyCatholicDoctor.com provides a diretory of Catholic physicians of various specilities--many of whom are trained in NFP and NaProTechnology. In their words, their clinicians "follow all the Ethical and Religious Directives of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and the ethical policy statements of the Catholic Medical Association. We are a refuge for faithful Catholic clinicians who want to practice independently and with the full voice of their Catholic faith."
Contact the NFP Program, nfp@usccb.org; 1-202-541-3240.
Please note, the USCCB NFP Program does not maintain a list of local NFP teachers or classes. Teacher lists are maintained by national NFP providers and diocesan NFP coordinators. Only diocesan NFP coordinators maintain the list of current local classes.